Patrick Timpone

It Takes A Long Time to Get Young

Patrick loves Fridays because he gets to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass psychosis or being programmed? Did we go to the moon? Is the world a sphere spinning through space? Join the conversation. We have loads of fun!!

Subconscious mind is a band of existence.  It’s an accumulation of what is difficult to think about.  Like a news crawler running across a TV screen, but we’re not aware of it.

Writing screenplays is a spiritual exercise experience.

We need to identify the challenge before we can address it.

We thought out way into problems.  Need to learn how to think our way out of problems.  Discarding what isn’t needed.

They’re making us crazy so we can’t think our way out of what is going on today.

US Coin Capitol gold and silver coin specials.

Clip from Council For Inclusive Capitalism – they say they want to spread the wealth around, have sustainable development, and solve economic problems.  This Is the New World Order – pushing a single global authority.  Want us to give up sovereignty. They are pushing the Green New Deal, want to reduce carbon.  Rothschild, Vatican, IMF behind it.  Beware.

Our challenge is to figure out how to keep on earning a living, have access to the food we want, have the life we want.

In Sri Lanka, they stormed the castle.  What will happen in the US?

Listener that works for a government agency says the agency’s technical work shows that earth is potato shaped.

Elon Musk’s satellites are balloons.  Using SpaceX to transport materials in lower earth orbit.

James Webb Telescope took over from Hubble.  Still showing photoshopped and computer images.

Listener combined Dr. Sally Norton’s oxalate work with Paida Lajin slapping. 

House just passed a $850 billion defense spending bill.  Maybe we should just send all the troops home?

Phil asks what Eckankar says about flat or global earth.  Could it be both?

Everything on the lower planes is an illusion.  Our belief is what we experience, because we are co-creators of our existence.  Much of life is the opposite of what “they” say.  It is what you think it is.  Nothing exists outside of you. 

ORN had clip of 1984 interview with KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov.  Russia was communist then.  Since then they have evolved away from communism and US has gravitated towards communism. 

A sign of spiritual growth is feeling revulsion at hearing what the Council For Inclusive Capitalism wants.

'Patrick Timpone | What Is the Truth of “How is it, what’s the truth” ? It’s However You Think it is – July 15, 2022' has no comments

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