Patrick Timpone

It Takes A Long Time to Get Young

Patrick loves Fridays because he gets to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass psychosis or being programmed? Did we go to the moon? Is the world a sphere spinning through space? Join the conversation. We have loads of fun!!

There’s a story out there from a UK Virologist that says he proved to Fauci that the virus was a lab leak. I asked Mark Bailey to comment on the article.

His response:

These guys are only “seeing” genetic sequences that they claim are “viral” – as always, where is the step that shows they come from a virus particle?

They start their analysis with the false premise that the sequences come from “coronaviruses” and put together their simulated “genomes.”  Then say “this sequence looks a bit funny, etc” – I document the trail back to the 1980s in ‘A Farewell to Virology’ – none of the sequences were ever shown to come from viruses – they are chasing the dragon.  RNA or DNA does not = virus.

We had lots and lots of comments on our show on Wednesday with Dr.’s Mark and Sam Bailey

Here are a few of them:

Some past guests on Patrick’s show have opined the there is no virus story is not relevant to what they are interested in.

Like The Baileys, I’m  also coming to the conclusion that symptoms that haveve been attributed to viruses are actually the body’s response to malnutrition, toxicity, emotional pain, and abuse.


Patrick, do you think that bacteria don’t exist?

Thanks Patrick, Dr. Mark, and Dr. Samantha for that excellent interview!!!! Please bring them on again soon!!!

The fact that they don’t culture lung fluid sample directly proves that there is no virus that is replication competent. Why? Because the lung fluid sample would have millions and millions of virus particles replicating.

Illnesses and diseases are caused by toxemia and the body being out of homeostasis, nothing else! So called germs are not the causes of illnesses and diseases……………..period end of story!

Germ theory isn’t even a theory, it’s a hypothesis that has never been proven to become a theory. And a theory is not fact! So germs theory has been BS from the , deceiver, Louis Pasteur!

We are indeed at a tipping point on the Germ Theory being flushed down the toilet.

Out of all the anti-virus proponents Dr. Mark Bailey is by far the most logical, consistent and knowledgeable. Its really a pleasure to listen to him and his wife speak.

Given that virology is turning out to be fraudulent as well as what we base allopathic medicine on, have the Bailey’s given thought to how different economies could be remodeled if we dropped the allopathic war on the body model?

How to use Borax as a Boron supplement

Why did Patrick move to promoting The Holy Hydrogen machine?

Lots of interesting conversations on how the issues in the tissues can be used for spiritual healing


Patrick Part One

Patrick, Part two

'Patrick Timpone | The Issues are in The Tissues. Stretching and Body Work are Essential for Us.' has no comments

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