Reyah Carlson

Healing Gifts from the Honey Bees


Read the excerpt from Rudolf Steiner’s book, “Bees” below and ask your self if raw honey could  possibly be  beneficial to eat?


There is nothing new about apitherapy; the healing properties of the hive have been demonstrated time and time again since the beginning of beekeeping. There are documents in China dating well over 2000 years regarding sting therapy, and the healing benefits from other honey bee made products. Hypocrites himself utilized live and dried honeybees in his practice referring to the venom as a “strange and mysterious medicine.” After all, how could something that caused such initial pain, relieve pain? Something that causes initial inflammation be anti-inflammatory? Indeed! Honeybees and their perfect society, are very mysterious, which I am sure is what keeps me focused on these marvelous creatures, and the medicine chest that offers something for everybody, known as “The Beehive”. Conditions and diseases from A to Z can be helped and improved through the use of something in that beehive.


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A few excerpts from Rudolph Steiner’s book, “Bees”

“Only a few chosen females , the queen bees, take care of all the propagation of the species. With the rest, the sexual life is more or less repressed, but in this sexual life there is another element – love life – which is, above all,  a matter concerning the Soul.  Only when the Soul element works on certain organs of the body do these organs become a manifestation, an expression of love life….wasps and ants are considered animals that remove themselves from the  more from the influence of The Planet Venus.  Bees, on the other hand are completely open to this influence and develop this love life throughout the entire bee colony .  That which we experience  within ourselves only at a time when our hearts develop love is actually the very same thing that is present as a substance in the entire beehive.  The whole beehive is permeated with life based on love.  In many ways the bees renounce love and thereby this love develops  within the entire beehive….the life that bee lives as if it were in an atmosphere pervaded thoroughly by love.”

This whole show is all about bees and some of the ideas that are talked about are:  

How the bees get pollen into the hives

The amount of honey needed for the bees to survive over the winter is ten pounds

Bee sting therapy is widely used and works for many people

Bee sting therapy appears to be a good way to get more dopamine into the cells that helps Parkinson’s type symptoms

The benefits of bee pollen

When is the best time to eat Royal Jelly

Reyah suggests this is a good first book on starting your own bee hive   First lessons in bee keeping

A few emails for Reyah:  How can bee stings help with rheumatoid arthritis? Where should a person be stung if the RA is in the ankles? And do we need to take Royal Jelly and Propolis as well?

Do you think that some of the factors that lead to colony collapse in bees are also contributing to the tension that we see in so many of our fellow humans as well?

Is raw honey safe to give children 18 months old


Reya Carlson and all about bees and bee products, April 8, 2019

'Reyah Carlson – Healing Gifts from the Honey Bees – Bees Do it All For Love – April 8, 2019' has no comments

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