Patrick Timpone

SPECIAL 2.5 Hour Show

Carol Vander Stoep, RDH, BSDH

Author of Mouth Matters

Brought back by popular demand, we welcomed Carol Vander Stoep for a special 2 hour hour show. Todays’ show was a fascinating one focusing primarily on the downfalls of mouth breathing and how if affects absolutely everything from shaping the face and positioning the teeth, to inducing sleep apnea and other chronic illnesses. This interview is packed full of ideas, most of which, you may have never pondered before.


Accelerated Aging? Chronic Pain?

It is NOT Bad Genes, Bad Germs or Bad Luck!

The US spends a higher percent of GDP on health care than any other country in the world. You’d think that would buy Americans the highest quality care. Yet according to the World Health Organization, we rank 37th out of 191 nations – just below Dominica and Costa Rica.

Our “health care” system is really a disease care system. It focuses on treating symptoms, not their root causes. Yet many Americans accept this – a simplistic approach that will never meaningfully “cure” cancers or subdue the inflammation-driven diseases plaguing us.*

Health is not the absence of disease. It is positive vitality!

Your body is incredibly resilient. It evolved to mend and remodel itself. Once you know how to “work its switches” – provide the essential nutrients and remove blocks to health – the body can usually heal itself.

Restoring health is the heart of true medicine. We must change our Western mindset and know that healing happens from the inside out. We must take responsibility for our well-being.

(Un)Healthy Mouth, (Un)Healthy Body

Mainstream dentistry likewise treats symptoms instead of disease. It fails to recognize what even ancient healers knew: the mouth is a mirror to the body – and an influence on it.

Periodontal (gum) disease and caries (cavities) are the first and most obvious signs of a body in trouble. These proverbial “canaries in a coal mine” warn of rampant, chronic inflammation throughout the whole body.

Would you still ignore your bleeding gums if you knew you might be losing your eyesight or kidney function, as well?

Whole Body Dentistry = Biological Dentistry

Though more conventional dentists and physicians are beginning to appreciate the relationship between oral disease and physical illness, only biological dentistry is rooted in a truly holistic, whole-body approach to health and healing.

Biological dentistry

•combines the best clinical practice with traditional, natural healing.

•aims to prevent and cure illness, not just treat symptoms.

•acknowledges the wisdom of the body and its self-healing mechanisms.

•prefers therapies that support the body’s natural abilities, not those that attempt to override them.

•accepts each of us as a unique, indivisible whole – body, mind and spirit.

Visit Website


carol vander stoep, mouth matters, february 7, 2013, hour one

'SPECIAL 2.5 Hour Show: Carol Vander Stoep – Control Your Breath, Control Your Life: How Mouth Breathing Affects Everything from Face Shape, Jaw Development, Sleep, Growth, Performance and Most Everything Else in Your Life – February 7, 2013' has no comments

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