Stephen Heuer


Topics: Powerful Immune System Sugar, A New Way To Heal A Leaky Gut, Healing Or Protection From Prostate Cancer; A Ten Step Protocol To Reverse Or Prevent Alzheimer’s


Stephen Heuer Synergistic Nutrition

Stephen Heuer

Having been poisoned with mercury fillings in 1976 and suffering from chronic constipation and adrenal exhaustion for 24 years, Stephen knows a thing or two about healing the digestive track. He discovered the key to healing from chronic constipation was first a thorough intestinal cleanse of any old fecal matter, followed by a specific supplementation to detoxify mercury from the intestines. Stephen learned how to remove mercury from his intestines in 1997. He took DMPS for 4 months and DMSA for 5 months. On the 9th month on the 9th dosage his elimination began to move 75% normal for the first time in 24 years. It took another 6 years to become 90% normal.
The first intestinal cleanse he did was in 1981. For 10 days he lived on carrot and grape juice some beet juice tablets and wheatgrass juice tablets. He mixed liquid clay with psyllium in a shake and drank this 3 times per day. On days 5 through 8 this old tired rubber fecal matter came out of my intestines. He felt reborn, brand new and happy to be alive again. Prior to this he struggled for 4 years with bloating, constipation, toxicity and the depression and anger this creates.

Stephen Heuer is the founder of Synergistic Nutrition. In 1990 he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree as a Nutripath, which was a Nutritional Correspondence course, much like the Naturopathic Doctor correspondence courses, just a slightly different name. He has done Live Cell Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Psychic Surgery, Visited John of God In Brazil, and Magnetic Therapy in England and many other therapies. Over these 20 years in practice his clients have improved or recovered from many conditions including; chronic fatigue, cancer, psoriasis, chronic constipation, kidney failure, adrenal fatigue, Liver problems, gallstones, depression, reproductive health, dysbiosis of the intestines, acne, skin conditions, sleeping problems, arthritis, osteoporosis, herniated or thinned discs, reproductive deficiency, menstrual cramps, memory and focus problems, mercury poisoning, autism, hyper and hypo Thyroid, gray hair, vision improvement and much more. Stephen has been in full time private practice for over 20 years.

Show highlights:

-Stephen is trying Aajonus’s primal diet again.   Need high protein to regenerate.  Rebuilding the body with “high meat” that’s fermented for a month.  Plus raw cream, butter, and cheese;  fermented vegetable juices.

-The energizing effect of a raw thyroid, adrenal and thymus, goats’s milk, and honey smoothie.

-Stephen became hyperthyroid after following Lou Corona’s diet.  Because of his leaky gut, Stephen was susceptible to the high lectin and oxalate content of spinach, kale, nuts, green vegetables, legumes.

-Benefits of One World Whey:  aches and pains diminish, intestinal health improves, strength increases.  Higher carb means more frequency enhancement.  The healthier your liver, the more detox occurs.

-What happened after Stephen had his embryonic stem cell treatment?

-RBCs live and thrive on certain sugars found in whole foods .  AHCC – active hexose correlated compound – does more than many polysaccharide sugars.  Made from hybridized mushrooms.  Benefits of boosting the immune system, fighting cancer, healing the liver, antioxidant.

-How Patrick used Andreas Black Cumin Seed Oil to help his heartburn and heal ulcerated tissue.

-Use unheated honey with black cumin seed oil to heal better.

-Benefits of unheated Rosita cod liver oil vs. oxidized fish oil.

-Aajonous says if animals are fed meat or butter that has been frozen first, they develop skin conditions.

-Causes of Alzheimers?  Oxidized vegetable oils, synthetic sweeteners, Vit D, inflammatory foods, heavy metals.  To reverse: reduce inflammation, stabilize blood sugar.  12 hour fast to restore insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation.  Supplement with DHA/EPA.  Get rid of root canals and amalgams.  Clean teeth well.  Balance hormone levels.  Stroke prevention – eat more fruits and veges, pastured animals, Andreas oils.  Take magnesium orotate, Vitamin C, turmeric, Ashwaganda, PQQ, many other supplements and herbs mentioned.  Reduce stress.  Improve gut health with probiotics and RESTORE and Progurt.  Physical exercise.  Eliminate oxidized fats and grains.  Remove heavy metals.

Hour 2

-Gut health is destroyed by antibiotics, PPI-proton pump inhibitor drugs, synthetic hormones.

-Women have reported menopausal symptoms disappearing after taking Synergy One, a growth factor protein.

-Why so much prostate cancer now?

-Quercetin disrupts the STAT3 mechanism that is needed to keep prostate cancer cells alive.  Synergy when taken with green tea and propolis.  Stephen recommends other supplements.

-Jiri asks about eczema and rash on the groin and testes, very itchy, and is hypothyroid.  Skin conditions mean the intestinal tract is unhealthy.  Clean up the gut.

-Ellie wants to know how to prevent breast cancer.  Need to detoxify the body.  Keep the lymph moving.  Patrick recommends the deer exercise and the book “The Tao of Sexology”.

Stephen Heuer, a wide variety of fun topics discussed in these two hours, July 25, 2017 ONE

Stephen Heuer, a wide variety of fun topics discussed in these two hours, July 25, 2017 TWO

'Stephen Heuer – A New Way To Heal A Leaky Gut; Preventing/Reversing Alzheimers; and More – July 24, 2017' has no comments

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