Susan Apollon

Intuitive Psychologist, Psychotherapist, and Healer

Susan Apollon is an intuitive psychologist, psychotherapist, and healer. For more than two decades, she has specialized in treating children and adults who are ill (dealing with cancer and other life-challenging illnesses), grieving, and/or dying. As a master of several healing and energy modalities, a researcher of mind, consciousness, energy, and metaphysics, a student and teacher of intuition, and a survivor of her own challenge with breast cancer, she brings wisdom and compassion to those with whom she works.

An award-winning author, Susan wrote and recorded the book and 11-audio CD packageTouched by the Extraordinary: An Intuitive Psychologist Shares Insights, Lessons, and True Stories of Spirit and Love to Transform and Heal the Soul. She is also a contributing author, along with Mark Victor Hansen and Les Brown, to 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life.Her articles have appeared in newspapers and magazines across the country as well as celebrated Internet journals and websites. She has been a frequent guest on national radio and television shows.  

Susan believes in the wisdom and capability of each human being to achieve self-mastery. She speaks passionately to organizations and groups about everyone’s ability to live full, satisfying lives, be happy, create their own miracles, and heal themselves. Her workshops and seminars provide a blend of her contagious enthusiasm with her tried and true methods and interventions for healing and creating a joyful and healthy life.

Susan’s love of medicine and healing has its roots in her lineage; she comes from a family of physicians. She has been married for more than forty-six years to her husband, Warren Apollon, an orthodontist, and is the proud mom of two adult children, Rebecca, an emergency room physician, and David, a management consultant.


Show Highlights:

-Major illness as a gift. Her breast cancer led to the discovery that she had a tumor on her adrenal gland, one that would have killed her.

-We are a variety of about 9 energy systems. Your thoughts can create blockages in the energy flow in your body to certain organs of the body. Blockages of certain parts of the body are associated with certain kinds of tumors. E.g. a woman who always sublimes their body to others’ needs will produce brain chemicals that match the feelings of her needs not being met. That suppresses natural killer cells that are needed to kill viruses and bacteria, cells will become abnormal, and tumors form.

-Susan’s book is for wellness, for how to stay well.

-Every moment of this journey is about the choices we make. We’re here to learn the power of love. We have much fear, but need to chose love, to have compassion, kindness, caring, to love ourselves first. Life threatening illness can be the teacher of that. We have to learn to love ourselves so much that we say no to requests from other people, to make ourselves first. Love is the highest of all energy except for the energy of enlightenment. When you fill with love, you’re here to learn to harness that. Love is the opposite of fear. Fear brings us down when we get anxious and worry. We have duality, a lower and higher self. Lower self is fear. Notice we are feeling fear and then chose to feel love. Unconditional love is what makes us feel wonderful. Connect with something in nature to feel the Creator’s energy, to know you’re not alone and are loved.

-We need to become more aware of what we need, so we need to be aware of how we are feeling. If you feel something, you have the power to identify that thought and learn how to tweak it. Talk to yourself in an upbeat positive way, let go of anger and fears. You’re here to feel good. Cut the cord to everything from the past that makes you feel bad. Forgive.

-Love heals because it is the highest of all energies and is compassionate and kind.

-Cancer and other bad things can be a wake-up call to change. Ask: Is the universe trying to teach me a lesson? Opportunity and crisis has same symbol in Chinese language.

-We are working to heal part of our soul. We chose a constellation of family members to help us heal. If you have difficult people in your life, thank them for helping them become who you need to be.

-When we leave the body, we continue our journey with those we love.

-When you take your hand, which has energy inside of it, and place it on your body with love, the body part will experience it. You have an energy that is always with you and wants to help you.

-Ask spirit to give you signs so you know it’s really there. Then let go.

-Joe asks where he can get continuing education on what Susan is talking about. Susan suggests her books. Patrick suggests The Call Of Soul, available for free from him.

-Paul says he never got an acknowledgement from his father that he approved of Paul. It’s the love you get from yourself that matters most of all. Say: I love you Dad, I know you had a hard time expressing it, and love yourself. Forgive Dad.

-Susan’s books: An Inside Job For Healing Cancer, Touched By The Extraordinary, I and II.

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Susan Apollon with lovely insights into spiritual healing from the inside out, June 6, 2017

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