A film by Andrew Kaufman M.D. and Marcelina Cravat


Featuring: Andrew Kaufman M.D., Marc McDonald M.D., Peggy Hall, Samantha Bailey M.D., Sally Fallon, Alphonse Faggiolo, Barre Lando M.D., Tom Cowan M.D., Stefan Lanka Ph.D., Kelly Brogan M.D., Veda Austin, Tony Roman, and Sayer Ji.

TERRAIN exposes the tyrannical world pandemic hoax, built upon the flawed model of illness and disease known as Germ Theory. This Two-part documentary explores Terrain Theory, a model for health that works in symbiosis with nature to promote wellness and healing, free of a corrupt and flawed medical paradigm.

TERRAIN motivates and inspires viewers to understand the power and responsibility of consent. 

Livestream World Premiere Event Description
We are now accepting Registrants for the FREE World Premiere Livestream of TERRAIN The Film.

Free Admission to TERRAIN The Film World Premiere Feb 5th, and 12th, 2022 7pm EST
Register Here

Digital Download Package

Pre-Orders for TERRAIN The Film Digital Download are available NOW!

Pre-Order the Digital Download of TERRAIN The Film and you will receive these Special Offers:

Terrain The Film Parts One and Two HD Digital Download *
A 30-Day Replay of the Livestream Premiere including:

  • A special introduction by David Icke.
  • The Complete replay of TERRAIN The Film Parts One and Two from the Livestream Premiere. (Available 72 hours after the Live Premiere)
  • The TERRAIN Roundtable; featuring Andrew Kaufman M.D., Tom Cowan M.D., Kelly Brogan M.D., Sam Bailey, Barre Lando, and other featured guests from the film!
  • Audience Q&A with Andrew Kaufman M.D. and Marcelina Cravat.

Special Bonus
In Memory of Rosa: A Never-before-seen footage of Rosa Koire, discussing the activism work fighting UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development, a social engineering program being used to limit freedom and property rights.*

*(Delivered after postproduction typically two weeks after event. Livestream replay will be posted within 72 hours where offered.)

In 2020 Marcelina Cravat was introduced to the work of Andrew Kaufman M.D. when he was thrust onto a worldwide stage for debunking the mainstream narrative of a viral pandemic by sifting through all of the published documentation that justified a tyrannical worldwide lockdown. As the mandates rolled out Marcelina Cravat sought to satisfy her curiosity and concerns for truthful information and called Dr. Kaufman out of the blue, who fortunately on that day, picked up his phone. Marcy, realizing she had a unique talent to present this valuable information to the world, sought to provide a strong outlet. Given the seriousness of the world situation and the public’s misguided perceptions of reality, there was no time to waste. The time was ripe, and quickly very interesting ideas began to take form, and TERRAIN was born.

Making a film was not a hard decision. For the past year and a half, they tackled this together, involving countess hours of dedication and hard work, enlisting the status quo of doctors, scientists, and researchers. The truth must be told for humanity to emerge and reclaim the earth from whence they were born, within and without. 

Finally, TERRAIN is ready to share with the world!

'TERRAIN: A film by Andrew Kaufman M.D. and Marcelina Cravat' has 1 comment

  1. February 1, 2022 @ 5:07 pm SueH

    Already censored on youtube. It must be good. Will definitely watch.


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