by Zen Gardner

It gets worse by the hour.

While France wisely outlawed wi-fi in its schools due to its serious effects on children, more appliances, transmitters, signals, antennas, phone masts, dishes, and electronic gadgetry is being added by the minute.

And we’re supposed to be excited about it.

The Sinister Assumptive Message

“Oh how we love getting blasted with our phone signals!! You rock, Verizon!..bring on the microwaves, robo-automation and anything else! We are techno-crazy and love it so!”

Wrong, you bastards. Don’t tell us what we want, Big Corp, we’re sick of it! And for those falling for this…wake the hell up!

Your playing with our health, well being and environment is about to come to an end.

“Signal – Airborne, beautiful and strong. There to insure the most powerful transmitter is YOU!”

Diabolical Microwaves

The effects of these cell towers and other microwave technologies bear witness to their perfidy. While they make light of these death-dealing devices and pretend they’re innocuous, the unwitting sheeple wither and die from mutated brain cells, injured immune and nervous systems, organ damage, and our children are predicted to have genetically altered offspring within 2 generations!

Never mind seriously influencing our minds.

We Live in ‘Electromagnetic Soup’

The “electrosmog” that first began developing with the rollout of the electrical grid a century ago and now envelops every inhabitant of Earth is responsible for many of the diseases that impair or kill them.

In 2007, the Bioinitiative Working Group released a 650-page report citing more than 2,000 studies (many very recent) that detail the toxic effects of EMFs from all sources. Chronic exposure to even low-level radiation (like that from cell phones), can cause a variety of cancers, impair immunity, and contribute to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, heart disease, and many other ailments.

“For the first time in our evolutionary history, we have generated an entire secondary, virtual, densely complex environment — an electromagnetic soup — that essentially overlaps the human nervous system,” says Michael Persinger, PhD, a neuroscientist at Laurentian University who has studied the effects of EMFs on cancer cells.

And it appears that, more than a century after Thomas Edison switched on his first light bulb, the health consequences of that continual overlap are just now beginning to be documented. (Source)

They Didn’t Have to Use These Damaging Frequencies–They CHOSE To!

Retired British military intelligence scientist Barrie Trower who for years worked in microwave and stealth warfare, has been speaking out and supplying scientific documentation regarding the serious dangers of EMFs, and getting results.

He said,

During the 1950s and 1960s during the Cold War, it was realised by accident that microwaves could be used as stealth weapons when the Russians beamed the American embassy during the Cold War and it gave everybody working in the embassy cancer, breast cancers, leukemias whatever, and it was realised then that low level microwaves were the perfect stealth weapon to be used on dissident groups around the world, because you could make dissident groups sick, give them cancer, change their mental outlook on life without them even knowing they were being radiated.

The electromagnetic spectrum is a band that goes from gamma rays and x-rays at one end, the very high energy waves, and it comes down through visible light, which is also some radiation, and then it goes through infrared microwaves, tv and radio. Now the only ones which really affect us in the communications industry are the microwaves, and microwaves have a special ability to interfere with water, which is how microwave ovens work, and we are made of water.

All of our chemical and electrical signals involve water in the body, somehow, electrical communications in the body. So, the industry has picked the worst possible part of the electromagnetic spectrum to give to young children and to adults (with regards to cell phones).

The Frightening Effects of WiFi and Cell Phone Radiation on Young Girls

Trower: I have three research papers. I am a scientific adviser to five organisations. Part of my brief is I read international scientific papers, I retranslate them into a language that most people can understand, which is how I advise.

I have three papers showing that low level microwaves can interfere with the genetics in the ovarian follicles. Now what that means in everyday language, different from boys, young girls when they’re born, they will have up to four hundred eggs in their ovaries. The microwaves can damage the genetic structure, we now know, in those ovaries. So, when this young girl grows up, gets married, and has children, if she has a daughter, this particular mitochondrial genetic damage is irreparable. There is nothing at all that can repair it. (READ FULL ARTICLE)

'The Electromagnetic War on Humanity' has 1 comment

  1. October 16, 2012 @ 1:33 pm The Last Couple of Weeks in Conspiracy (11 Oct 2012) « Skeptical Humanities

    […] We are being blasted with electromagnetic evil, says Zen Gardner. […]

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