The Friday Show

Patrick Timpone with Hannah Walizer

Discussing the Topics Important to You

Without a clear understanding of how and why we created all this “stuff” we will be forever reacting to it.  Making matters worse.

We explore Amish Country through Hanna, Lancaster County P.A. where she lives.

Is the spring on her parents land OK to drink?

Hanna started on Robert Von’s asparagus and beet juicing thing … stay tuned to her experiences.

She asks Patrick what his daily diet looks like

A few folks asked ChatGPT some question and sent their answers to us.

“Do viruses exist?” ChatGPT says

“Yes, viruses do exist. Viruses are small infectious agents that can replicate only inside living cells of organisms. They are responsible for causing a wide range of diseases in humans, animals, and plants. The existence of viruses has been well-established through extensive scientific research and observation, including the use of powerful microscopes to visualize them directly.”

another listener asked this AI contraption “Do you have a Soul?”

“As an artificial intelligence language model, I don’t have a soul or consciousness. I am a machine learning algorithm that processes inputs and generates outputs based on patterns in the data I was trained on. While I can simulate human-like responses and interactions, I don’t have emotions, beliefs, or subjective experiences like living beings do.”

Patrick and Hannah muse on this one.  I appears this AI creature answered it fairly well.

Patrick has a clear experience of how the emotions affect the thyroid.

We talk about Faith and the difference of true faith and simply a mental construct

“Ask and you shall receive” works, and we only need to ask once. Why is that?

How do we discover and clear traumas.  Patrick gives his understanding on German New Medicine

Ben, listener conjectures there is contagion through various vibrations such as fear and Patrick responds.

WE talked about the isolation of a virus that’s never been done. And a viewer sent us this from Dr. Cowan

Also lots of emails and show comments on Darko’s water and sea salt protocol

Hannah and Patrick part one

Hannah and Patrick part two

'The Friday Show | Emotions and Thyroid – Bad Vibes Must Be Invited In to Affect Us – Detox on Sea Salt Protocol | June 23, 2023' has no comments

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