The Friday Show

Patrick Timpone with Hannah Walizer

Discussing the Topics Important to You

We take the term “Holistic” to another level on One Radio Network

It is essential to take into account: Relationships, Diet, Exercise, Sun and most importantly our inner life

The outer world or lower worlds want to keep us here in prison. This is what they do for a living

All parameters are pointing to a simulated Alien invasion – holographic technology

Chemtrails appear to be part of this technology to initiate images in the sky

Are these loonies willing to destroy a city with current weapons to lock down Americans again

Earth will continue to split apart, spiritually, emotionally and physically  with the states

Our pets know exactly what we are thinking and feeling.

Dogs and cats often take on the illnesses of their owner out of love.

Our surest way forward during whatever there is going on is to know our true identity as Soul

patrick part one

Patrick part two

'The Friday Show | Holographic Alien Invasion; Being Authentic; Pets Take On Everything We Do | August 4, 2023' has no comments

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