The Friday Show with Patrick Timpone and Hannah Walizer

Patrick and Hannah Discuss Viruses, Reality, Animal Souls, Past Lives and More

We talk about how bacteria are trying to heal the damaged tissues in the body

How do the tissues get damaged?

Exactly how to antibiotics stop the healing process?

Hannah asks what about those that have to go to work and can’t do it on their own?

Patrick and Hannah go over many of the fascinating tenants made in the recent Dr. Cowan show

Is it possible that all those who “get” the flu are simply detoxing?

Often when one takes an antibiotic to kill a bacteria, this stops the healing and the issue will return

Lot’s of Amish around Hanna in Pennsylvania with access to loads of good food

We have a generous discussion on how is it possible we are essentially the center of the universe and our reality is all there is.

Hannah see this as there has to be an ultimate Truth for us to interact with.

Patrick asks how Hannah has such a beautiful smile?  She does daily oil pulling in the shower.

Emails from our listeners:

What about infringing on the free will of the animals people murder for their pleasure?

Nature doesn’t lie, men do. Balance, homeostasis, equilibrium, whatever term one decides to utilize, this is the state that nature seeks. When microbes get out of whack, perhaps dis-ease may occur and that appears to correlate.

Listener shouts “Don’t get fire ants” to control ticks.  Patrick’ experience has been most favorable regarding fire ants eating ticks.

If you and the doctor believe bacteria are all beneficial then you would stop brushing your teeth.

Can Patrick give his opinion on past life regression?

part one

part two

'The Friday Show | Patrick and Hannah Discuss Viruses, Reality, Animal Souls, Past Lives and More | June 16, 2023' has no comments

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