Andrew Gause

Show Highlights:
-What’s the motivation behind the plan of ‘the Boys’? Andrew talks trade, Donald Trump, and the American Plan
-Andrew is behind Donald Trump when it comes to Muslims entering the country; he explains using a great analogy
-Will the next crash be THE crash? Andrew tells us what’s going on in the debt markets
-What is a land bank? Andrew goes back into history
-Why Americanism and nationalism is appalling to the globalists
-People are on the fence when it comes to buying a home; Andrew explains why
-What does Andrew mean by sterilize?
-Andrew sounds off on John Kasich and tells us why he continues to pronounce his name wrong
-Was the Great Depression caused by tariffs? A listener asks for understanding and Andrew delivers quite a history lesson
-Google’s connection with the CIA
-Atom Bergstrom writes in:No more tax shielding in IRELAND for Apple in ITALY.Italy forced Apple to PAY UP their back taxes for the last six years.
-If you think you have internet privacy, think again
-Does Andy speculate that Obama’s visit to Cuba is in part to offer our banking system to them ?
-Andrew talks false flag operations
-Questions from a listener:I’ve been reading Charlotte Iserbyt’s “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of Americaâ€, but it’s out of print and a very big book, so I’m wondering what other material Andy would recommend in terms of reading material with solid talking points to enlighten people who are attracted to either of the Democrats running for President, and socialism in general?
Which single bank does Andy think is most solid in terms of being too big to fail?
Why are these terrorists being handled in countries’ criminal justice systems, rather than in military tribunals – is it because they’re actually citizens as I’ve heard that the recent attacks were from 2nd generation Belgians? Not knowing laws in France or Belgium, but shouldn’t this be treason, not just murder?
-Question from a listener:If Andrew was to do a small home garage manufacturing company with a 3D printer, CNC and plasma cutting equipment, what industry would he support by making USA made products? What products would he make that would survive the coming shift in labor landscape?
-Comment and question from a listener:It seems like we used to be able to easily get some good presidents elected in the 19th century. Some of those same presidents could never be elected today. For example, Zachary Taylor wouldn’t be considered handsome enough. At a recent gala event, when Gweneth Paltrow was asked about one of her guests, President Barack Obama, she said that he was so handsome, it took her breath away. It just seems to me our voting system is out of control. It has been suggested that the parties are trying to get certain immigrants here, legal or otherwise based on how they will be expected to vote. Should we narrow or have prerequisites for being eligible to vote and what should they be?
-Should you have the right to vote if you don’t pay taxes?
-If you’re going to play the games you’ve got to know the rules; the last caller poses some interesting questions to Andrew. Don’t miss the last 20 minutes or so of the show
and so much more!!!
andy gause and the real world of money, march 23, 2016, hour one
'Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – We Need to Get Back to the American Plan; How Did We Get So Off Track? – March 23, 2016' have 4 comments
March 23, 2016 @ 10:04 pm Adam
Do you know this American?….
In 1991, at the end of Desert
Storm, a 19 yr old US Army Cavalry Scout
Private who had just spent 8 months
at war sat out on a street at Khobar
Towers in Saudi Arabia. He sat
there on his duffle bag with his Battalion
around him for 4 days waiting for
the buses to come and take him to the King
Fahad Airport so he could go home.
Unfortunately, the politicians of the day
never planned for how to bring so
many soldiers home after the war ended so
there was a shortage of planes.
Politicians are great at talking, but
terrible at doing. Finally, the
buses came, and took the young man to the
airport. The planes waiting were
from Tower Air. The owner of Tower Air had
volunteered his planes and staff to
bring soldiers home for the cost of fuel
only. Happily, the young veteran
got home just in time for Easter weekend in
1991, and spent that time
emotionally healing with friends and family
surrounding him. That Private was
me. The Airline owner – Donald J Trump.
That is why I will vote Trump.
Loyalty for loyalty, respect for respect. Any
Written by Ron
March 25, 2016 @ 12:01 pm One Radio
Trump was never a known investor or officer in Tower Air, which was one
of several that contracted with the Department of Defense to provide
charter flights to soldiers abroad and was funded by the United States
government. A December 1994 /New York Times/ article
named former El Al marketing official Morris K. Nachtomi as the
airline’s CEO and founder:The chain of events detailed does not match
with records of ownership and DoD charter airline contracts from the 1990s.
A July 2015 article
<> in
/NYC Aviation/ detailed Trump’s airline industry involvement with an
entirely separate carrier
Eastern Air Shuttle (which he immediately rebranded
Trump Shuttle):
Sorry this is a good one I wish it were accurate
March 26, 2016 @ 10:02 am Brian W
Andy – I am grateful to receive your wisdom based on a lifetime of knowledge seeking.
March 29, 2016 @ 5:24 am Steve
Perhaps in the next show Andy could explain what exactly is going on in the Japanese bond market.
Here is the link: