Patrick Timpone

Tina Erwin

Author of Ghost Stories from the Ghosts’ Point of View

We’ve all read and heard ghost stories but have you ever heard the ghosts’ stories? Listen as each ghost tells you: What it’s like to be dead. What it’s like to be driving down the road one minute and then the next have no idea where you are. What it’s like to be talking to someone who cannot seem to hear you no matter what you do. What it’s like to still control the living from the grave. What it’s like to be haunted in death by the living. Ghost Stories from the Ghosts’ Point of View is an amazing look at not only what it’s like to be a ghost, but also what it’s like to find yourself dead and have no idea what to do, where to go or how to change your surroundings.

Show Highlights:

-How and why is it that “forces” will try to disrupt our forward movement?

-There are Souls who are just not ready, or know it is time to cross over. These are “Ghosts”

-We are here to serve all life

-God gives us a body and taking care of our vehicle is showing respect for the gift of being human

-Tina talks on simple things to protect ourselves

-At the end of the day, Ms. Erwin muses it is all about how much we loved and were loved

Tina Erwin CDR USN (Ret) has studied spirituality and metaphysics for many years, gaining insight into the interpersonal relationships at the heart of everyday living. Her writing comes from an intense desire to know and understand the unseen world of action and reaction combined with a sincere desire to share this understanding with other knowledge seekers.

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tina erwin, ghosts and angels, october 23, 2012


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