Tom Luongo

Publisher of Gold, Goats n’ Guns Newsletter

Tom Luongo is a former research chemist and writer on markets, culture and geopolitics.  He publishes regularly on his blog, Gold, Goats ‘n Guns at as well as the Gold Goats ‘n Guns Monthly Newsletter which provides a portfolio strategy for retail-level investors to make sense of today’s global/macro environment.  His work can be seen regularly on such sites as Zerohedge, and The Duran. Mr. Luongo is also a regular contributor at Money & Markets, Strategic Culture Foundation and edits the Ultimate Wealth Report monthly newsletter for Newsmax while also contributing to Financial Intelligence Report. 

In these times, it’s preserving wealth that’s paramount.  Tom’s advice and his newsletter will help.

In a world awash with debt, buy which nobody wants and sell which nobody has.

Better than fear porn, teach a man how to fish – i.e. evaluate stocks and metals companies, where to find info, how to parse info.

Original issue of Tom’s newsletter has asset allocation strategy.

Tom makes his living off his reputation.

Bitcoins are a digital commodity.  Digital things can represent real world assets.

How is Bitcoin a representation of energy? 

Bitcoin uses ¼ of 1% of the 30% of energy we send into the ground as stray voltage.

What is the vision of the Davos crowd for the US?  Liquidation, with wealth transferred back to Europe.  They hate individual sovereignty and liberty.

Europe is the heart of the evil.  They want their colonies back.  There is no Europe-US consensus or culture.  Just like Jewish-Christian is a dissonant concept.

Europe is not us.  They say US is evil and Europe is a victim.

They just make it worse with Russia.  Is WWIII the end game? 

Defined benefit systems have failed, are all paid for with debt.  Will we be happy with their version of no debt?

Central bank digital currency puts us into a worse swamp.  Everything you say will be monitored.  Oligarchical control.

What’s with Elon Musk and Twitter?

Why did Jeff Bezos need to buy the Washington Post?

WEF (World Economic Forum) – a one world club and we’re not in it.  They’re not in favor of our enlightened interest.  They’re just another sh—y cartel.

Elon Musk stole millions of dollars.  But that doesn’t mean he can’t break with the cartel.

Massive amounts of unrealized gains can be a vulnerability and an albatross.  If Jeff Bezos sells his Amazon stock, won’t everyone else?

Challenge your own assumptions on a day-to-day basis.  If not, you’ll have small errors that will propagate and grow.

We look for patterns that may not be, and we look for what is discontinuous.

We’re being forced into constant analysis of noise as a signal.

With purchase of Twitter, Musk has opened himself up to a tremendous amount of appropriation from the state.

Fed chair Powell has been going after the ECB.

Poland agreed to buy Russian oil and gas in rubles.  Introduces a the new dynamic in pricing Russian oil and gas.

Are Europeans okay with the US- British push for war with Russia?

Schwab and the Davos crowd are motivated by an ideology and they think they have the answer.   

Why does Tom think Musk should take Twitter out of Europe?

“They’re” projecting onto Putin what they’re going to do.  Will blame a tactical nuclear strike on Putin. 

Putin targeting military targets and not cities.  He doesn’t want western Ukraine.  Carpet bombing in eastern Ukraine to take out the rest of the Ukrainian military.  Has a goal of building a defendable part of eastern Ukraine.  More Ukrainian provinces, like Odessa, will be declaring independence.  Putin playing an economic war of attrition against western interests.  

No limit to western money power depravity.  

Macron was never going to lose the election in France.

'Tom Luongo – Bitcoin, Wealth Preservation, WW3, Musk & Twitter, and More – April 27, 2022' has no comments

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