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Tony Heller

 Real Climate Science

We have been bombarded this week with images and stories of global warming protests from all around the world. We’ve found a really cool guy, with a really interesting website filled with FACTS. There’s just too much involved to even summarize his work, so we’ve included all the links on his website to use as a reference s you listen to this podcast.

One of the fun and obvious lies being put out by the Climate Change faction in the World is to simply start a particular graph showing at steady move of  this or that factor at what ever year makes the “change” more startling.  It’s that easy and false advertising.

Mr. Heller has years working in high tech and his job was to seek and find flaws in systems, match, production models.  He’s super meticulous

He tells some tales of a couple friends who were of the belief that Climate Change as being sold, is not true.  Both were fired and or blacklisted

The U.N. is just one of the big drivers pushing “Climate Change”

When Al Gore’s video came out in 2006, the issue was called “Man made Global Warming”, after some years it was changed to Global Warming and then changed to Climate Change.  Brilliant.

The flagship graph Al Gore used in his video showing CO2 and Earth warming going hand in hand for many, many years is a lie.  Science actually shows the Earth Warms, oftentimes because of the pull of gravity from other Planets, and many years after the CO2 is formed from Oceans etc.

The meme that Climate Change is causing all these terrible Hurricanes is simply not true.  History shows violent Hurricanes were far worse before Carbon emissions really got going

Ocean temperatures and wild fires are examined up close and personal

NOAA’s website, if one looks carefully proves the organization simply changed the numbers to suit their needs.

The Green New Deal idea will be devastating for poor countries literally dying to get coal based electricity rather than cook and heat by fire

The EPA classifies CO2 as a pollutant, opposite of its true character

Sea water levels have not changed in long time, certainly not since Carbon emissions began

Engineer and Geologist Tony Heller on his work disproving the Man made Global Warming meme, October 2, 2019 ONE

Engineer and Geologist Tony Heller on his work disproving the Man made Global Warming meme, October 2, 2019 TWO

'Tony Heller – Climate Change? Real Climate Science By A Bike Riding, Vegetarian, True Environmentalist Who’s also an Engineer and Geologist – October 2, 2019' has no comments

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