Dr. Mark Sherwood

Naturopathic Doctor Running for Governor in Oklahoma

Topic: States Rights

Dr. Mark Sherwood was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma and raised in nearby Berryhill. 

His time spent in law enforcement, as well as helping thousands of patients at the Functional Medical Institute he founded with his wife, have shaped in him the principled leadership that Oklahoma needs.  He sees all too clearly the suffocating socialist agenda that is sweeping the nation and making its way to Oklahoma. Dr. Mark is not naive enough to believe that Oklahoma will be exempt from the marxist strategy to destroy families, silence the church, and push for a totalitarian regime.

Oklahoma hasn’t had the big city shift that Texas has had.

Long-term effect of bringing in tech city culture changes the local culture.

You get elected with name recognition and funds.  Outside sources providing these.

As school boards get infiltrated, you have the power of minority voices threatening to sue.

Government has no authority over education.  But they throw money at the schools and hook them with federal money.

The Republic of Oklahoma – has the time come? 

10th Amendment – put in place to prevent centralized power. 

Unless the states specifically give power to the United States, it’s retained by the states.  States have broad undefined power, they are the parent.  Federal govt has narrow specified powers and is the child. 

State is not subject to arbitrary rules of the federal government.  It’s all been turned around. 

States have to become independent and self-sufficient and survive without federal money.  If federal govt. denies funds to the state, the state can deny funds to the federal govt.

Listener wants to know if Oklahoma will continue to have conservative governorship.   State has a 60-40% conservative/liberal split.  Conservatives have a super majority in both houses.

Will some states secede?  Dr. Mark thinks so.

De Facto vs. De Jure laws.  Increasingly become De Facto

Must be willing to take action to regain constitutional liberties.

US is the world’s last hope for freedom.  We’re hanging on by a thread.

What will it take to get people in the streets?  Will they try mandates again?

Big Pharma is largest contributor to political campaigns.  They influence not just through ads, but through influencing politicians.

We’re being fed a propaganda diet of fear.  Silencing of people bringing questions.

World is in dire need of people to stand up.

Dr. Mark is a big molecular hydrogen proponent.

He tests biological and immune age.

Effect of toxic thoughts is underestimated.  Be a hope dealer instead.

Operation Warp Speed was one of the most horrendous campaigns in our history.  It put trust in vaccine over trust in God.

We did Trump a disservice by putting him on a demagogue status.  He has endorsed “not right” people for the sake of winning. 

DeSantis seems to be the only governor with any common sense and one that stands for state sovereignty.

Tyranny is when people fear the govt.  Liberty is when the govt. fears the people.

Kangaroo court for Bannon.  Alex Jones in peril?

Supreme Court is stepping up, but we as people should know the constitution and not depend on them to interpret.


'Dr. Mark Sherwood | Tyranny: When People Fear the Govt.;  Liberty: When the Govt. Fears the People | July 25, 2022' has no comments

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