Vaccines vs. BigTobacco – a Commonality

From the FaceBook page of Dr. Robert J. Rowen

Dr. Robert RowenThis post is courtesy of Michelle Veneziano, DO,who has kindly given me permission to share it with you. Not being at the event, I cannot vouch for the content and figures, but it certainly supports most everything you’ve been reading about and concerned about regarding the vaccine “train”. Rather frightening as well, considering what Pharma is actively doing and what it is putting up to put into your children by force.
I’ve told you all before that if people don’t speak up now, there might not be anyone left to speak or stand for you when they come to inject you as well as your children. As always, comments are welcome.

Hi All!

I was at a super high-endie fundraiser at the home of George Sarlo (Sarlo Foundation) with Robert Kennedy last night – he spoke, as did Brian Hooker, PhD, Eric Gladden filmmaker and Bob Sears, MD. I had private conversations with all of them. Somehow without realizing it and before I knew it I was doing that hip-hop handshake with Robert Kennedy – you know that gangsta’ thing with 3 parts – I have no idea where that came from I’ve and never done it before but it was hilarious. He totally cracked up. But it was a very serious evening. He said that despite being 100% pro-vaccine, 90% of his income is gone and basically he’s been blacklisted because of the vaccination toxicity topic. He said if 20/20 or 60 minutes did one spot on this, one time, it would be game over. We’re working on it. He knows the head of FOX News and the reality is anyone who attempts to advance this information will lose their jobs. Pharma owns it ALL!! Where is our Edward R. Murrow?!?

It turns out that many more then 5000 parents that have come to the vaccine court for reparations re: autism, etc. have been denied because the court (made up of non-physicians btw) claims that there are studies that prove that there’s no connection. This means the $3.5 billion that has been paid out since 1990 really should be more like 100 billion – but the average award is 350k per family – I would say 10,000 families, let’s say 3 million each for the cost of caring for a special needs kid for life. The scale of this thing is off the chart. An important thing to note is that even if injury isn’t immediately obvious, roughly 1-3 points of IQ are lost per 25 mcg of mercury or something like that. RFK said that if we don’t fix this that there aren’t going to be any minds in future generations to help with climate change. Of course he’s right, and with the help of the Trace Amounts film going viral we’re going to make sure everybody knows it – one person at a time.

He also said that Pharma has rooms of people with phones and computers just trolling Internet blogs and radio shows so that they can shut down any conversation that happens. Rooms full of paid people with tons of money funneling in to such efforts.

I talked to my mom (Linda Maio, Vice Mayor of Berkeley) about it this morning and the fact that the studies that the medical community etc. are quoting have been completely fabricated – the 5 to 7 or whatever studies that prove that there’s no connection between and vaccines and injury have actually been completely made up from scratch. Linda totally believes it and she said they did the exact same thing with tobacco. Excellent analogy.

Please look up Trace Amounts on the Internet and purchase a viewing and/or a disc of the film. This film is very well done and I have not heard of a single person who has not responded to it. It was shown at the United Nations three weeks ago to over 150 delegates with unanimously positive response. The film will be streamable online for free soon. It came out before Congressman Posey requested the CDC investigation last month based on evidence of fraud, which is definitely moving us toward critical mass. Oh and did you catch the CNN GOP debate last night? Get ready for the avalanche. We’re bringing this thing down.

Oh btw I started a physician awareness group on this topic recently – we are 300+ strong and that’s just the start. There are so many people in this conversation. And I pray that there are many more soon.

Yours truly,
Michelle Veneziano, DO

'Vaccines vs. BigTobacco – a Commonality' has 1 comment

  1. September 24, 2015 @ 11:42 am Mona

    Where can the referenced “physician awareness group on this topic” be found? Is it strictly for physicians, or can others join in on the conversation?


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