
Garlic has been praised for its health benefits since ancient times. It has been shown to have anti-cancer, antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties, and it has been used to prevent and treat a wide range of diseases and conditions. For more information, read the in-depth article Garlic – Healing Properties and Medicinal Uses.

Chia Seeds

The dried seeds of the Salvia hispanica plant, also known as chia seeds, are completely edible, and they are good for you, too. They are the best known plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids, and they provide a truckload of vitamins and minerals such as niacin, thiamin, calcium, magnesium and iron. To learn all about the health benefits of these ‘super seeds’, check out the article Why Chia Seeds Are Good for You as well as the Complete Nutritional Profile of Chia Seeds.

Chia Oil

Thanks to the attractive fatty acid profile and neutral taste of chia oil, foodies and health enthusiasts are increasingly using this light colored oil to add both texture and nutrients to their culinary creations. If you haven’t used chia oil before, check out the article Chia Oil: Health Benefits and Culinary Uses for in-depth information about this extraordinary oil.


Thanks to its broad nutritional profile, kale is thought to help fight cardiovascular diseases, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis; to prevent certain types of cancer and pre-mature aging of the skin; and to promote the health of the urinary tract. For details on these and other health benefits of this super-food, read the in-depth article Health Benefits of Kale: Why Kale is Superfood No. 1.

Green Tea

A large body of evidence suggests that drinking green tea can offer a wide range of health benefits including anti-allergy, anti-cancer, weight loss promoting and anti-oxidant effects. To learn all about the healing properties of green tea, read the in-depth article Health Benefits of Green Tea (and Why Loose Leaves Are Superior).


The health benefits of eating mushrooms are well documented, and they range from anti-cancer effects and weight loss benefits to immunity-boosting properties and stress relief. To learn more about how mushrooms can improve your health, check out the article Health Benefits of Eating Mushrooms.


Not only is broccoli loaded with vitamins C, K and B9, it is also an excellent source of carotene, potassium and sulforaphane. For details on the wide array of nutritional and health benefits broccoli can offer to you and your family, read the in-depth article Health Benefits of Broccoli: Nutritional Value Beyond Vitamins.

Dragon Fruit

White-fleshed pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus) is commonly known as the dragon fruit or strawberry pear. Both the white flesh and the black seeds of this exotic fruit are edible and nutritious. Dragon fruit is also low in calories and can offer several health benefits when consumed in moderation. To learn more, read Dragon Fruit: Nutritional Value, Health Benefits and Calorie Count.

Oca root

Oca (Oxalis tuberosa) is a root vegetable cultivated commercially in the central and southern Andes and in New Zealand. The amount of vitamin C found in 100 grams (3.5 oz) of oca equals to more than 60% of the daily value for this health boosting vitamin. In addition, oca is a superb source of nutrients like iron, zinc, flavonoids, B vitamins, and fiber. It is also low in calories. For more information, read the article Oca Root: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits.

Black salsify

Black salsify, which is also called Spanish salsify or scorzonera, is a cool crop vegetable cultivated for its nutritious root which is blackish brown on the outside and white inside. Rich in inulin, iron, potassium, copper and thiamin, black salsify is considered particularly good for the digestive tract, muscles and hair. For more information about this healthy winter vegetable, read the articles Health Benefits of Black Salsify Root (Scorzonera Hispanica) and Black Salsify: Nutrition Facts.

Manzano Bananas

Manzano bananas, also known as apple bananas, are true nutritional gems. They offer more than vitamin C than conventional bananas, and they are packed with potassium. To learn more, check out the page Manzano Bananas: Nutrition Facts & Health Benefits.

Jerusalem artichokes

Jerusalem artichokes, also known as sunchokes, are highly nutritious and offer many health benefits. They contain inulin fiber and thiamine which promote intestinal health. They are also packed with potassium which helps counteract some of the negative effects of table salt. What’s more, Jerusalem artichokes contain plenty of iron, copper and vitamin C. To learn more , go to Jerusalem Artichokes: Health Benefits & Nutritional Properties.

Burdock Root

The roots of great burdock (Arctium lappa), also known as gobo and lappa burdock, are edible, and they offer many health benefits. For instance, they can stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria. They also provide plenty of potassium, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, and copper. For details, read the article Burdock Root is Edible and It Offers Numerous Health Benefits.


Rich in magnesium, fiber, and phytosterols, almonds (Prunus dulcis) can help lower cholesterol levels, prevent type 2 diabetes, and prevent wrinkles. For details, read the article Health Benefits & Nutritional Properties of Sweet Almonds.

Matcha Powder

Matcha powder, made from high quality green tea leaves, is rather expensive but it may be well worth the money. Matcha powder is particularly rich in theanine which is a powerful health promoting amino acid. In addition, matcha has strong anti-oxidant, anti-aging and anti-cancer properties. In Japan, matcha powder is used make ceremonial green tea, but this nutrient-packed powder can also be used in cooking (e.g. to make matcha oatmeal). For details, visit our page dedicated to ideas on what to do with matcha powder.

Blood Oranges

Blood oranges contain anthocyanins, the same flavonoids that are responsible for blueberries’ deep color and amazing health benefits. In addition, blood oranges contain plenty of vitamin C. To learn all about the health effects of blood oranges, go to Health Benefits of Blood Oranges. If you’re looking for more information about blood orange juice, check out the page Blood Orange Juice: Nutrition Facts & Calorie Count.

Black Beans

Black beans contain more flavonoids than any other bean variety. But black bean antioxidants are not the only reason why you should add these healthful legumes to your diet. Read the full article Health Benefits of Eating Black Turtle Beans to learn all about this topic.

White Beans

White beans are a true superfood with multiple health benefits. They are packed with antioxidants and provide plenty of molybdenum, a detoxifying trace mineral. White beans are also a good source of fiber and protein and rank low on the glycemic index. In addition, white beans produce alpha-amylase inhibitors which help regulate fat storage in the body. To learn more, read the full article Health Benefits of White Beans (Navy Beans).

Mandarin Oranges

Despite the similarities in their appearance, mandarin oranges and common oranges have distinct nutrient profiles, although there are also some similarities in this respect. Mandarin oranges such as tangerines are particularly rich in tangeritin, hesperidin, narirutin, vitamin C and beta-cryptoxanthin (a nutrient related to beta-carotene). If you want to learn how these nutrients contribute to the health effects of mandarines, check out the article Health Benefits of Mandarin Oranges Such as Tangerines and Clementines.

Passion Fruit Seeds

These crunchy seeds provide an abundance of nutritional and health benefits ranging from antioxidant protection to the maintenance of healthy cardiovascular and intestinal systems. In addition to providing plenty of insoluble fiber and magnesium, passion fruit seeds deliver polyphenolic compounds such as piceatannol and scirpusin B. For details, read the full article Health Benefits of Passion Fruit Seeds.

Red Kidney Beans

Packed with protein, fiber, magnesium, potassium, and antioxidants, red kidney beans offer numerous health benefits. They are thought to provide protection against cardiovascular problems and fight pre-mature aging of the skin. In addition, red kidney beans can help promote weight loss. To learn more, read the full article Health Benefits of Eating Red Kidney Beans.

Navel Oranges

The numerous health benefits navel oranges and other sweet oranges offer are linked to their high concentration of antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients including vitamin C, limonene, narirutin, hesperidin, and beta-cryptoxanthin. If you want to learn how these nutrients contribute to the health effects of navel oranges, read the article Health Benefits of Navel Oranges (Sweet Oranges).


Referred to as the ‘cure of cures’, watercress has a long history as a medicinal plant. Already Hippocrates was convinced of the health benefits of watercress. Today, watercress is used to prevent and cure a vast range of health conditions. Watercress is genetically related to garden cress which can be grown indoors. To learn more about the health benefits of watercress, read the article Healing Properties of Watercress.

Root Chicory

Root chicory is not used for cooking, but it is used to manufacture inulin supplements. Inulin is a type of dietary fiber that offers a multitude of health benefits. For instance, it helps keep blood sugar levels stable and promote the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria in the intestines. For more information, read the article Medicinal Uses of Inulin from the Chicory Root.


Prunes are famous for their ability to provide constipation relief, but recent research demonstrates that the health benefits of prunes are not limited to just gut health. To learn more, read the full article on the Health Benefits of Prunes.


Often given a bad rap for their cholesterol, shrimp are actually a rich source of nutrients that are vital for your wellbeing and that can offer some interesting weight loss benefits. To learn more about the topic, read the article Health Benefits of Eating Shrimp. Shrimp, just like other seafood, are also one of the best dietary sources of iodine.


Bilberries, or wild blueberries, are packed with anthocyanins, vitamin C, resveratrol, vitamin E and ellagic acid. THey are one of the greatest health foods of all time and a boon to anyone looking to reduce the risk of cancer, maintain healthy eyes and skin, or prevent recurrent urinary track infections. To learn more, read the full article on the Health Benefits of Bilberries.

Cannellini Beans

Like its relative the kidney bean, the cannellini bean must always be cooked properly as raw cannellini beans contain high levels of toxic lectins which can cause serious health problems. When cooked properly, cannellini beans lose their toxicity and become a health promoting super food. Cannellini beans lead the pack of low glycemic legumes, promote intestinal health, and provide an abundant supply of molybdenum, antioxidants, copper, and protein. To learn all about the health benefits associated with these hearty beans, read the full article Health Benefits of Cannellini Beans.


Your mother was right about eating plenty of carrots: this humble root vegetable is good for eyesight. The sight-improving qualities of carrots are largely attributable to their high concentration of beta-carotene. But beta-carotene — together with other nutrients abundant in carrots — can do much more than just improve your vision. To learn more, read the full article Health Benefits of Eating Carrots.

Red Onions

Red onions have been used for centuries not just to add flavor to a wide range of dishes but also for their medicinal and healing properties. But it is only in the recent past that the extraordinary Health Benefits of Eating Red Onions have received broader attention from the scientific community.

Garland Chrysanthemum

Relatively unknown in most Western countries, the leaves of garland chrysanthemum are popular in Asian cuisines. The slightly mustardy flavor of this green leafy vegetable adds a nice kick to stir-fries and Asian style hot pots. In addition, it can offer some extraordinary health benefits, especially for those of us who want to lose weight or benefit from extra antioxidant protection. To learn more, read the full article Garland Chrysanthemum Leaves: Nutrition and Health Benefits.



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'What Are the Healthiest Foods You Can Eat?' has 1 comment

  1. April 5, 2017 @ 1:18 am joseph

    It’s one of the best article for Health Benefits Of Black Salsify


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