Elizabeth Bright, DO, ND

American Osteopath and Naturopath

Elizabeth Bright is a 57-year-old American Osteopath and Naturopath based in beautiful Bari, in the south of Italy. She has been a carnivore for three years. Before her current 99% meat diet, she ate a meat-heavy ketogenic diet. Elizabeth went full carnivore when she entered menopause. Menopause scares women, so she decided to write a book about it called Good Fat is Good for Women: Menopause. Her research demonstrates how a high-fat, carnivore diet improves the symptoms associated with it. This realization made her realize how society worldwide influences women to avoid eating meat and animal fat. She believes this is the reason so many women suffer from chronic illness and mental health problems. (Bio from Dr. Shawn Baker Podcast on YouTube)

As a D.O. and Nature-path she sees all issues stem from blockages in the body, energetic and structural

Fat is the key to her work and the crux of her book on Menopause. Fat more so than protein.

The key is animal fat, necessary to make all hormones and more so for women than men.

She says vegetables are not necessary and simply a waste of time with fiber that needs to be eliminated

She says same for carbohydrates, simply no nutritional value or need.

Carbohydrates are the cause of Diabetes and blood sugar issues and inflammation.

Vegetables and fruit are a cheap source of energy and calories, but not necessary

She is a proponent, unlike others like Dr. Peat that some iodine is necessary.

Her best choice  is 2 drops per day of Lugols 5% iodine.

Thyroid function can be rebooted by animal fat and iodine

She is not a proponent of fasting including intermittent fasting

Fat is the fuel for the brain and all hormone building fat and cholesterol which is only  obtained from animals.

Most parasites are helpers trying to clean things up.

'Elizabeth Bright, DO, ND | Why do so many women suffer from chronic illness and mental health problems? | November 15, 2022' has no comments

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