By Barrie Trower
The Natural Recovery Plan
Professor John R Goldsmith, International Advisor/Consultant for R.F.Communication, Epidemiology and Communications Sciences Advisor tothe World Health Organisation, Military and University Advisor,Researcher; wrote concerning the low level exposure of microwaveirradiation (below thermal level) incident upon women:
“Of the microwave-exposed women, 47.7% had miscarriages priorto the 7th week of pregnancy …”
The level of irradiation incident upon the women was stated, as from, fivemicrowatts per centimetre squared. This level of irradiation may seemmeaningless to a non-scientist; however, when I say that it is below whatmost schoolgirls will receive in a classroom of wi-fi transmitters, from theage of approximately five years upwards, this level becomes moremeaningful.
A distinction here must be made and a very important one: schoolgirls arenot women. Schoolgirls are children and children are both neurologicallyand physiologically different from adults. A child’s brain tissue/bonemarrow has different electrical conductivity properties than adults due tothe higher water content(this renders the Specific Absorption Rateobsolete).
Children’s absorption of microwave radiation can be ten timeshigher than adults. Permanent low-level microwave exposure can inducechronic nitrosative and oxidative ‘stress’ thence, damage the cellularmitochondria (mitochondropathy). This ‘stress’ can cause irreversiblemitochondrial DNA damage (mitochondrial DNA is ten times moresusceptible to oxidative and nitrosative ‘stress’ than the DNA in the cellnucleus). Mitochondrial DNA is irreparable due to its low histone proteincontent, therefore any damage (genetic or otherwise) can be transmittedto all successive generations through the maternal line.
Hence, we are subjecting each successive female generation to harm.Whether these two ten-fold increases ‘merge’ to become 57.7% or areadditional, thence equal 67.7% of those to suffer, is a moot point. Eitherway we are facing the equivalent of a pandemic. I was invited to presenta lecture at Brighton University recently and one Doctor commented on a+60% foetal birth rate damage from exposed farm animals. Allmammalian species will of course suffer the same consequence resultingfrom low-level microwave irradiation. There is very little difference ‘biologically’ between our embryonic cells.
I invite the Reader to peruse my diagram below and/or read my simpleexplanation concerning the microwaving of the ovarian follicles inschoolgirls.
Simple Explanation
Imagine you are five years old, in school and sitting with a wi-fi laptopnear your abdomen. Theoretically, your ovaries can become irradiateduntil you leave school at aged 16-18 years old. When you becomepregnant, every one of your follicles (to become eggs) will have beenmicrowaved. Hence, you may or may not deliver a healthy child.
Should you become a pregnant as a student, your embryo (for its first 100days – if it is female) is producing approximately 400,000 follicles (withinits ovaries) for future child-birth.
The problem is that these developing follicle cells do not have the cellularprotection of mature adult cells. Consequently your ‘Grandchild’ mayhave had every single follicle cell irradiated and damaged prior to itsconception. Therefore when your child becomes an adult (with itsirradiated follicles) there is a greater likelihood of its child (your Granddaughter) suffering the ailments previously mentioned, duringconception/embryonic and foetal development stages.
Beyond Belief
The shocking truth is, not only was all of this known and documented longbefore wi-fi was ever put in front of children, but the dangerous biologicaleffects were concealed (as they are to this day) from the general public, inorder to protect the industries’ profit.
Professor Goldsmith writes:
“.. effects from exposure to RF radiation in certain populations:reproductive effects .. increased spontaneous abortion .. increasedincidence of childhood & other cancers ..”
Confirming this with more than 2,000 references is the Naval MedicalResearch Institute in their document: ‘Bibliography of Reported BiologicalPhenomena (Effects) and Clinical Manifestations Attributed to Microwaveand Radio-Frequency Radiation’ highlight ‘.. Altered Menstrual Activity/Altered Foetal Development …’
The World Health Organisation’s ‘International Symposium’ Research Agreement No. 05-609-04 ‘Biological Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation’ emphasises in its 350 pages: Biological effects, health and excess mortality from artificial irradiation of Radio Frequency Microwaves. Section 28 deals with problems concerning Reproductive Function.
This document was classed as ‘Top Secret’ and its contents withheld by WHO and ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizsng Radiation Protection).
Eldon Byrd, a scientist for the Naval Surface Weapon Centre of the US Navy, in one of his 1986 lectures on the effects of low-level microwaves, is referenced as stating:
‘… we can alter the behaviour of cells, tissue … cause up to six times higher foetus mortality and birth defects ..’.
Finally, the Mobile Telecommunications Industry carried out a very thorough and exhaustive scientific study on its own product. This industries conclusion was:
Sec. 7 “… it can be concluded that electro-magnetic fields with frequencies in the mobile telecommunications range do play a role in the development of cancer.”
“… Direct damage on the DNA as well as influences on the DNA synthesis and DNA repair mechanism …”
Note: DNA synthesis is essential for healthy embryonic/foetal/child’s growth.
With these few of the roughly 8,000 research articles showing this phenomena; in order to protect this industries’ profit, the United States Defence Intelligence Agency sent a ‘document’ to ‘advanced nations’ describing the problem and suggesting ‘how to deceive the public’.
It read:
“… if the more advanced nations of the West are strict in the enforcement of stringent exposure standards, there could be unfavourable effects on industrial output … exposed to microwave radiation below thermal levels experience more …“
NB: Industrial output is of course .. profit. A very relaxed exposure standard also makes it very difficult to take the industry to court.
This (and two other documents with ref. 8) then continues to list many physiological and neurological dangers from low-level: below thermal, microwave irradiation including: blood disorders, heart problems, psychiatric symptoms and ‘menstrual disorders’.
Wi-fi is, of course, below thermal low-level microwave irradiation.
In order to appease the US Government, some Governments adopted the ICNIRP guideline, whereby, the only safety limit is just six-minutes of warming. Which means: if you do not feel too warm in six minutes, wi-fi is deemed to be safe.
No consideration at all has been given to the published ‘below thermal’ cellular interaction as listed by several countries including the United States; which were (and are) known to cause: cancer, severe neuropathological symptoms, foetal defects and literally hundreds of illnesses related to cellular disorders.
Countries following ICNIRP continue to argue that their six minute warming effect is all that is required regarding microwave irradiation … (cont)
Click the link for the complete, fully referenced PDF article about the dangers of wifi.
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