William Lee Cowden, MD

Topic: Cleansing Techniques


Dr. Cowden is a board certified Cardiologist and Specialist in Internal Medicine. Internationally known and recognized for his proficient technique in the use of Evaluative Kinesiology, Dr Cowden has refined treatment protocols for Cancer, Lyme disease, Autism, Parkinson’s disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, as well as many other medical conditions including Reversing Heart and Vascular Disease.


Link to detox program in Phoenix in March

W. Lee Cowden, MD – Create a Toxic Free Body and Home Starting Today

W. Lee Cowden, MD

Visit Website


Dr. Cowden tells several stores of Hollywood actresses that were being poisoned by breast implants, and healed with his cleansing techniques that have evolved over many years

Several components are baths, ozone, and enemas

Why ozonated water is the very best for detoxing colon

Dr. Cowden explains in detail the cause for the ever increasing Autism rate and EMF exposure are on the top of the list

homeoprophylaxis work better than vaccines and are totally safe

morning saliva wants to be ph 6.8 – 7.2

Dr. Cowden likes the product Sealantro from Nutri Metix for detoxing the children and you


Dr. Lee Cowden M.D. on cleansing, Autism, the heart and more, February 15, 2017

'William Lee Cowden, MD – Cutting Edge Cleansing Techniques that Work -February 15, 2018' has no comments

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