Patrick Timpone


Yasmina Ykelenstam

The Low Histamine Chef


Histamine is found in mast cells. It it released to help fight infection/illness/injury, keep us awake, regulate our hormones, run our digestive system and as a neurotransmitter. Some people have unstable mast cells that release too much of it, or they just have too many mast cells. Some people have allergies which means they also have too much histamine at times. Others have too little of the histamine lowering enzymes diamine oxidase (DAO) or HNMT. An excess of histamine is involved in: allergies, histamine intolerance, mast cell activation, mastocytosis and a number of other medical conditions. You’ll find a list of symptoms here. (I have MCAD/mast cell activation disorder).

Other than being found in the body, histamine is also in food! Some foods contain it, while others trigger its release. I stick to a high nutrient, low or antihistamine diet to manage my mast cell activation disorder, without any medication. For more on which foods do what see my interview with immunologist and histamine researcher Dr Janice Joneja here. Unfortunately, beauty and bath products can also trigger histamine release, as well as stress, vibration, altitude, chemicals and medications.

People with histamine intolerance, mast cell activation and mastocytosis may also have allergies. If they do, lowering their overall histamine could help mitigate the intensity of their allergic reactions.

Show Highlights:

-High inflammatory food list

-Yasmine’s favorite antihistamine foods

-A favorite top anti-inflammatory juice

-Why simply eating antihistamine foods, but continuing on a SAD diet will not be effective

-Yasmine talks about her experience with a vegan diet

-What about animal foods; are they primarily inflammatory? Yasmine shares a list of anti-inflammatory animal foods

-Oftentimes when a food gives you a kick it’s because it’s high in histamine; most organ meats are high also

and so much more!

The Low Histamine Chef

Visit Website


yasmine on a low histamine diet, october 9, 2014

'Yasmina Ykelenstam, The Low Histamine Chef – Choosing A Nutrient Dense Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Optimal Health – October 9, 2014' has no comments

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