Zen Honeycutt

Founding Executive Director of Moms Across America, a national nonprofit dedicated to ensuring our food is free of contaminants

Topic: Toxic Heavy Metals Found in 95% of Tested Baby Foods in the US

Zen L. Honeycutt is—first and foremost—a mom. She is also an activist, speaker, author, founding executive director of Moms Across America, and co-creator of Mothers Across the World with Dr. Vandana Shiva.

While heading Moms Across America, Zen initiated the first testing for glyphosate in tap water, breast milk, and urine and spearheaded the non-profit’s successful petition to Costco to remove Roundup from their shelves.

Happy to speak to anyone interested in better health for all, she has been featured on ABC, CNN, The Dr. Oz Show, the Wall Street Journal, CSPAN, Fox News, Reuter’s, Huffington Post, and many other media outlets.

Her documentary, Communities Rising, highlights efforts across our nation to transform the food supply, and she is the author of Unstoppable: Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment, and a Celebration of Community.

For years, Zen has been motivating groups around the globe to take action to improve their quality of life, health, and food. Speaking tours have taken her to Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Switzerland, China, Maui, France, The Hague, and across mainland America.

Known for being UNSTOPPABLE, Zen makes a practice of going head-to-head with government agencies, big corporations, and anyone who believes that things simply are the way they are and that it’s impossible to create change. She has it on good authority—her mother—that we are all amazing. And she knows from experience that anything is possible. Her own story is proof of her beliefs.




Zen Honeycutt doing great work with Mom’s Across America bringing light to Glyphosates and other toxins in foods

'Zen Honeycutt – Toxic Heavy Metals Found in 95% of Tested Baby Foods in the US – October 24, 2019' has no comments

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