(1) Whales or giant sea turtles kept in captivity don’t grow as large as they do in the ocean.

Deep diving into high pressure is what activates weight gain.

A similar process occurs when a baby is expelled from a highly pressurized womb into the less pressurized environment to enter the world with the typical puffy-cheeked, balloon-like “popcorn” baby face.

Leslie Sabbagh (“Keeping the Beat,” Popular Mechanics, April 2005) wrote …

“Take away gravity and the human machine hardly knows how to behave. The gut rebels, sending food back up the esophagus; blood and other fluids shift upward too, giving astronauts puffy faces; and the volume of blood swells in the eyes’ tiny vessels, shortening focal length and decreasing near vision acuity.”

“Sending food back up the esophagus” – think GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

“Decreasing near vision acuity” – think myopia (near-sightedness) and presbyopia (“old eyes”).

(2) Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“There’s no such thing as weight loss or weight gain. It’s all constriction and dilation.”

A single fat cell can expand 1,000 times, but what REALLY is responsible for the expansion?

(3) My proudest moment at the gym was when someone asked, “Are you on steroids?”

Adano called me “Schwarzenberger.”

I combined semi-conventional ways of bodybuilding with Adano’s advice about gaseous pressurization.

The “pump” is more than simple hydraulics.

Then I yawned, burped, and farted all that “muscle” and “fat” away, and I’m so skinny again you’ll see more “meat” in a five-cent taco.

(4) Adano (during a Solar Nutrition workshop at Scandia Health Food Store in California) pointed to a photo of a bodybuilder on a can of protein powder and said …

“See that guy with all his muscles? Give him to me for thirty minutes and I’ll make him yawn and fart all that muscle away.”

(5) A student of Master Chen (Yun Xiang Tseng) told me the following story …

He was amazed to watch Chen put away plate after plate after plate of food.

Chen read his mind and told him …

“I don’t shit. I turn it all into Qi.”

Our e-books & e-booklets – including The Book of Bloat – are available at …



Facebook: ATOM’S SCHOOL OF SELF HEALING at Wellness-Wagon.com




'5 Pneumatic Clues About Weight Loss & Gain' have 2 comments

  1. October 22, 2012 @ 12:37 pm atomb

    According to “Air,” in Growing Up with Science: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention, Vol. 1, edited by Michael Dempsey, et al, 1984 …

    “At sea level, the air pressure is about 15 pounds per square inch. So, on our heads and shoulders, there is a total pressure of about one ton! Fortunately, the pressure inside our bodies is the same as the pressure outside. This balance of pressure ensures that we are not crushed by the atmosphere.”

  2. October 22, 2012 @ 12:41 pm atomb

    If you’re working with calories, you’re at the level of the Third Chakra.

    If you’re working with pneumatics, you’re at the level of the Fourth Chakra.

    The Heart Meridian is a major mediator of weight optimization.

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