Patrick Timpone


Dr. Richard Massey, MD

with Special Guest Dr. Amy Love, ND

Ask Dr. Massey


Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

Show Highlights:

-Dr. Massey brought along his friend and Natural Doctor to the studio today. Amy Love works at

The Peoples Rx, Austin’s Favorite Pharmacy.

She tells the history of this wonderful place to work and bring healing to those who seek it. Check out their website here.

-Dr. Love is also a musician and shares a wonderful song about living life well and leaving life well

-Tooth health isn’t based on mouth health….what’s happening in the gut?

-How do Vitamins K and K2 work?

-How to support the body in making its own hormones

-Dietary advice for supporting the adrenals

-Probiotics, clay and the gut

-Sebaceous cysts: What are they, but more importantly, what are they trying to tell you about your health?

-Pumping the lymph system: The lymphatic system is so often overlooked. Hear about lymphatic massage and exercises for increased lymphatic circulation

-Dealing with chemo or radiation? Dr. Massey shares the name of a drink to get stronger

-Ozone therapy and antioxidants

-Why your autonomic nervous system doesn’t belong to you

-What causes yellow teeth and what to do about it

-Can one really be a healthy vegan? Well….we do know Brian Clement is!

-Are you short on iodine?

-Best way to rid yourself of belly fat

-What causes an itchy anus?

and so much more!!

Contact Dr. Massey at 830.990.2924 and also at


Dr. Richard Massey and Dr. Amy Love, February 28, 2013, hour one

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