Monthly Archives: July 2009

Goldman Sachs execs sold $700m of stock: report

Executives at US banking giant Goldman Sachs sold almost 700 million dollars worth of stock after Lehman Brothers collapsed in September, the Financial Times reported. Most of the sales, worth 431 million pounds or 500 million euros, occurred when the firm enjoyed the support of 10 billion dollars in US government capital injections, the London-based…

Jerry Brunetti – Natural Agriculture Vs Factory Agriculture – Farming and Nutrition – July 13th

Jerry Brunetti Natural Agriculture Vs Factory Agriculture July 13th Broadcast Jerry Brunetti is worldwide lecturer specializing in the formulation and production of health products for farm livestock, equine, pets and humans. Jerry possesses an unequalled knowledge on the dynamics of biological systems, aiding the spread of awareness between the link from produce, farming and nutrition…

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD – Finding Your Ancestral Diet; Using Pancreatic Enzymes and Detoxification Protocols for Healing Cancer – July 2, 2009

THE PATRICK TIMPONE SHOW Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez has been investigating nutritional approaches to cancer and other degenerative diseases since 1981, and has been in practice in New York since 1987. He began researching nutritional approaches to cancer treatment while a medical student, and completed an investigation of the enzyme therapy of…

Nine Health Benefits of Sex

A good sex life is one way to stay happy, healthy and fit. For example, sex can actually cause you to get fewer colds. Research has shown that couples who have sex weekly have a 30 percent increase in immunoglobulin A, an antibody that fights infection. Sex can also help women have a more predictable…

Senate bill fines people refusing health coverage

WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans who refuse to buy affordable medical coverage could be hit with fines of more than $1,000 under a health care overhaul bill unveiled Thursday by key Senate Democrats looking to fulfill President Barack Obamas top domestic priority. The Congressional Budget Office estimated the fines will raise around $36 billion over 10…

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