Monthly Archives: September 2009

Jay Kordich – The Juice Man – The Worlds Greatest Living Teacher On Juice Therapy – September 28, 2009

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Jay Kordich The Father of Juicing In 1948, Kordich contracted bladder cancer at twenty-five. A football star at University of Southern California, Kordich travelled across the United States to New York City to be treated by Dr. Max Gerson, who prescribed an all-juice diet. As a result, Jays life…

Dr. Richard Massey M.D. – Alternative Answers to Your Health Questions – September 19, 2009

THE PATRICK TIMPONE SHOW Dr. Richard Massey MD Taking a Holistic Approach to Health Dr. Massey answers listeners questions and gives comments on the following topics: -What is HCG? And how is it used for weightloss? -Cholesterol -Integrating our inner beliefs -What causes vericose veins and what can we do about them? -Are Liver/Gallbladder Flushes…

Boston launches flu shot tracking

Using technology originally developed for mass disasters, Boston disease trackers are embarking on a novel experiment – one of the first in the country – aimed at eventually creating a citywide registry of everyone who has had a flu vaccination. The resulting vaccination map would allow swift intervention in neighborhoods left vulnerable to the fast-moving…

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