Monthly Archives: November 2009

Why boys are turning into girls

Gender-bending chemicals are largely exempt from new EU regulations, warns Geoffrey Lean. Sperm counts are falling so fast that young men are less fertile than their fathers and produce only a third as much, proportionately, as hamsters. And gender-bending chemicals are increasingly being blamed for the mystery of the “lost boys”: babies who should normally…

Dr. Ross Stewart – Stem Cell Therapy – Neurotransmitter Deficiency – 11.05.09

Dr. Ross Stewart Stem Cell Therapy & Neurotransmitter Deficiency Dr. Stewart is the leading authority on amino acid therapy and neurotransmitter deficiencies LISTEN NOW – Thursday, November 5th. – Hear facinating information on healing depression, anxiety, insomnia, weight loss issues, productivity and more. Dr. Stewart is a leader in this field of safe, effective amino…

Rod Czlonka – Surviving Terminal Brain Cancer – November 3, 2009

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Rod Czlonka Surviving Terminal Brain Cancer Lots of good information here on Cell Phones and all EMF pollution and how it may be affecting your health. To find out amazing information on towers and antennas around your home go to At 41 Rod Czlonkas life was on the…

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