Monthly Archives: April 2011

What Are Chakras Really? (#2)

The APPLE is a symbol of both the sperm’s kundalini force and the ovum’s cosmodyne energy. The core of the apple represents kundalini, Magnetic Flow. The skin of the apple represents cosmodyne energy, Life Flow. Magnetic Flow is finite, counterclockwise, and draws its power from the body. Life Flow is infinite, clockwise, and draws it’s…

Your Nose Broadcasts Without a License

Your nose is a mind-boggling multitasker. The nose is a chemical, electromagnetic, thermal, photonic, barometric, and sonic detector — pretty much everything summed up by Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. The prevalent “shape theory” (key-lock system) can’t explain how you can combine rose oil with clove oil and get the odor of carnation. Yale’s…

What Are Chakras Really? (#1)

They’re not pinwheels. There’s 2 chakra systems. The sperm has one. The ovum, the other. Kundalini force is the business of the sperm. Cosmodyne energy is the business of the ovum. The sperm and the ovum are Mr. & Mrs. God — Yin and Yang, Moon and Sun. The sperm is the Moon. The Ovum…

Memory Boosting Times

Cortisol peaks at 8:00 am (mid Stomach Time) for MEMORY RECALL at Spleen-Pancreas Time (9:00-11:00 am). Obviously, this is aprime time to take tests. The odor of lemon oil augments memory recall at Spleen-Pancreas Time. Adrenaline and noradrenaline peak at 2:00 pm (mid Small Intestine Time, aka “bile for the brain time”) for long-term MEMORY…

David Wolfe – Hormone Strength and Balance, the Natural Way – Radiation Protection – April 26, 2011

  THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone David Wolfe Health, Eco, Nutrition and Natural Beauty Expert Daily Detoxification Natural protocol for hormone balancing Finding food just right for you   With a masters degree in nutrition, and a background in science and mechanical engineering, David Wolfe is considered one of the world’s top authorities on…

Cortisol & Belly Fat & Carbon Die-oxide

Cortisol only increases body fat when it’s “out of time.” Chronic stress is the villain. For millions of years, the glucocorticoid rhythm has been subservient to light — powered by LEO, a Light-Entrained Oscillator, namely,our Sun. Then Mr. Edison invented Indoor Light, and the glucocorticoid rhythm was highjacked by FEO, a Food-Entrained Oscillator. The LEO…

Nada Yogi (& Master of Taan) Meets Nitty-Gritty

Swami Nadabrahmananda (1896-1993) was the greatest Nada Yogi and Master of Taan of his time. Taan is the Yogic science of anatomical vibration. Nadabrahmananda had the unique ability to emit sound from anywhere in his body — ears, top of skull, base of spine, etc. — with his mouth completely sealed and his nose plugged…

Eating Free of Spacetime

Most people eating “on time” (Solar Nutrition, Chronobiotic Nutrition, Sun Time Eating, Metamorphic Nutrition) are doing a half-baked job — often due to trauma, often due to lack of understanding. Attitude is also a MAJOR factor. Swami Nitty-Gritty pointed out you can get sick “eating the right food at the right time for the wrong…

Sex Without Pheromones

Fragrancesdevoid ofpheromonesalso havea major effect on bothsexualityand heredity. Sexuality, as Wilhelm Reich pointed out, is a combination of neural charge and muscular discharge — bioelectric”tension pleasure” and “relaxation pleasure.” Orgasm is “incomplete” without the involvement of all 3 autonomic nervous systems — the parasympathetic, orthosympathetic, and enteric nervous systems The sacral nerves S2 to S4…

Infrared Sex Pheromones

By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog The nose is an infrared radiation detector sensitive to HEAT frequencies between 7 1/2-14 microns. Triple Heater Time (9:00-11:00 pm) regulates sexual relationships. Eating mushrooms or silica-based algae at Circulation-Sex Time (7:00-9:00 pm) helps power the Triple Heater Meridian. Pheromones can penetrate gas-tight walls — totally independent of molecular “odorines.”…

Cortisol for Phobias & REM

By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Early morning (Lung Time & Large Intestine Time) is the optimum time to meditate … partly due to peak cortisol levels. Meditation (done correctly) resolves phobias. According to … “Stress hormones can conquer your fears,” New Scientist, April 1, 2006, “If the sight of a giant hairy spider has you…

Daniel Vitalis – Taking Survival to Another Level of Excellence: Sweating, Smoking and Grounding Yourself – April 19, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Daniel Vitalis Sweating, Smoking and Grounding Yourself Daniel talks about: -The Native American use of tobacco -Smoking is a delivery system for herbs -Using tobacco plants in your garden as a natural insectide EMF Exposure: Cellular Metabolic Disruptions -Harvesting Pine Pollen -Balancing hormones -Testosterone levels and so much more!!…

Quantum Thyroid Finger Recycling

By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog “What can I do for this rash on my finger?” a housewife asked me. She held up her left ring finger, expecting me to recommend something like aloe vera. I answered her question with a question. “What color do you think of when you think of the rash?” “Yellow.” “What…

Body & Organ Language 101

By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Back in the days of Adano Ley’s Houston “Karma Klinic,” we played Body & Organ Language 101 while eating at JoJo’s Restaurant. (We ate “in time” — Solar Nutrition — of course.) I asked Adano, “What’s that guy’s trauma,” pointing to a bearded man seated a few tables away from…

Dr. Richard Massey – Forgiving is a Good Start to Healing and Other Alternative Treatments for Your Health – April 18, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Richard Massey, M.D. Monday, April 18 Dr. Massey answers your health questions and offers some good ideas on topics such as: The Difference Between Measuring Insulin and Blood Sugar Using Olive Leaf and DMSO for Anti-Viral Healing The Importance of Fats Peroxide Baths for Flu and Colds Gluten…

Secrets of Foot Biofeedback (BioFEETback)

By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Conventional muscle response testing (MRT) takes too much time and effort and offers too little information to track down traumas … … compared to Foot Biofeedback (BioFEETback). Let’s take Jack’s hypothetical statement, “I went to Wally World with Jane to buy a vacuum cleaner for Joe on Thursday.” (1) Maybe…

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