Monthly Archives: May 2011

Dr. Bob Dowling – Curing Cancer – The Politics of Health – May 12, 2011

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone   Dr. Bob Dowling There is a Cure for Breast Cancer Hear stories of how health freedomis even being challenged in Ecuadorby theU.S.   Show Highlights: -The Connection Between DentalProcedures and Cancer. -Removing Tumors with Frequency Ablation Dr. Bob Dowling moved to Ecuador a few years ago to have…

Make Cortisol Work for You

Cortisol keeps you from dying in your sleep at night from sleep apnea by regulating carbon dioxide and potassium. Cortisol also protects against cancer by removing excess potassium from cells when you’re most vulnerable to carcinogenesis from sleep acidification. Meditators make better vegetarians because they’re more acidic than non-meditators. Cortisol is designed to reset the…

A Flash Fire in Your Head

Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) defined DARSHAN as “a flash fire in your head.” He said, “Darshan is convex vision, leukocytes beaming through your eyes.” Nitty-Gritty compared convex vision, the ability to look THROUGH objects, with concave vision, the ability to look AT objects, saying, “The invisible and visible are in coordination with one another. Seeing…

Climbing the Pyramid of Life

The Periodic Table of the Elements is a 7-level (chakric alignment) “pyramid of complexity” – from assured stability at the baseupwards to conditional stability at the top. The higher the state of hierarchic organization, the more fragile and vulnerable the evolving structures. Each step up this pyramid (from entropy to syntropy) denotes a … (1)…

Swami Nitty-Gritty Advised NASA in the 1980’s

When I first encountered Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Christopher Ley) in 1975, I had not the slightest clue I was joining a boot camp for Spacefaring Immortals … … although my involvement in the Gurdjieff Work made me aware of the “bliss-stokirno” needed to power trans-space ships like the Karnak across the universe. I’m now an…

Calcium (Too Much Is Toxic or Abuse)

Food-based calcium eaten 3 times a day in the correct “growth periods” helps prevent cancer, but … Osteoporosis is NOT a calcium deficiency. Cow bones are not rendered into calcium tablets — they’re rendered into gelatin capsules. Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) remarked, “I’ve never seen a limestone bridge.” Porous weak bones have plenty of calcium,…

Why Soak Almonds for Breakfast?

Amygdalin is a procyanogenic glycoside — also known as vitamin B-17, the “antineoplastic vitamin.” Soaking almonds for a minimum of 6 hours and a maximum of 3 days decomposes traces of amygdalin into the much more chemically active hydrocyanic acid, also known as hydrogen cyanide or prussic acid. Oversoaking almonds beyond 3 days ferments them…

Living to Die is a Self-Fulfilling Prophesy

Aging is a DISEASE. Swami Nitty-Grittycalled the deathist attitude “Living to Die.” Biogerontologist Aubrey de Grey calls it the “pro-death trance.” Wake up and smell the juvenile hormone within your own Fountain of Youth thymus gland, oh, deathless one! Ageism and deathism have evolved into a powerful market for both the greeting card industry and…

What is Cancer’s Address?

A frog put through a blender (entropy) is not a living frog (negentropy). Emanuel Revici, M.D. (1896-1998) discovered the hierarchic biological systemization of electropositive entities binding successive electronegative entities (to live inside). A proton is electropositive in relationship to the more electronegative electrons it captures (to live inside). This pattern evolves in complexity and size,…

Actual Cancer Frequencies

Infrared Fraunhofer lines can be used to completely neutralize ANY carcinogen with its corresponding anticarcinogen. Col. Dinshah Ghadialiwas on the right trackwith his Spectro-Chrome Therapy, but he concentrated only on single color predominancelimited tothe Fraunhofer region between 4000-7000 angstroms (red to violet) without considering IR or UV frequencies. According to Dwight L. McKee, M.D., Emanuel…

Food-Based Vitamin C for Herpes

L-arginine assists the muscle response needed for erection via nitric oxide. L-lysine assists the circulatory response needed for erection via oxygen. Now that’s I’ve got your attention … Food-based vitamin C counteracts the herpes virus. Quoting Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley), “Herpes is a drastic deficiency of vitamin C.” The most potent vitamin C combinationoppositional toherpes…

What Are Chakras Really? (#3)

The Tibetan STUPA is a symbol of the first 5 TATTVAS. The 5 Tattvas correspond with the first 5 Chakras and the 5 Zones of Reflexology (Zone Therapy). The 5 Element Law is its Chinese equivalent (with Metal and Wood reversed, as any student of the I Ching would know). The 5 Elements are ……

Voltaire May Have Peed a Lot

The record for coffee drinking goes to a certain Mr. Gemstock of Cleveland, Ohio, who drank 72 cups of coffee in 24 hours. Voltaire drank a minimum of 50 cups of coffee with chocolate (Cobalamin Tonic?) a day. (Some estimates go as high as 80.) Beethoven drank strong coffee, using 60 beans per cup. William…

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