Daily Archives: April 10, 2012

Dr. Elisha Goldstein Ph.D. – The Now Effect: How This Moment Can Change The Rest Of Your Life – April 10, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Dr. Elisha Goldstein Ph.D. Psychologist, author of ‘The Now Effect’ and co-author, ‘A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook’ April 10, 2012 A leader in mindfulness psychology, Dr. Elisha Goldstein takes the mindfulness approach of helping people to connect to the present moment one step further by offering practical techniques to…

‘Of Towering Infernos, False Flags & Terrorism’ -Adrian Salbuchi

When Moscow’s Federation Tower skyscraper caught fire on April 1st, images of the blazing inferno on its upper floors were grim reminders of New York’s World Trade Center 9/11 attacks of 2001. Had the 9/11 “laws of physics” prevailed Federation Tower should have collapsed into its footprint and covered central Moscow in inches of fine…

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