Monthly Archives: June 2012

Alasdair Macleod – How the EU Created the Financial Crisis and Where It Goes from Here – June 5, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Alasdair Macleod Stockbroker, Banker , Economist and Founder of We have an insightful chat with economist Alasdair Macleod on John Maynard Keynes and his world changing effect on present day monetary moguls like: Ben Bernanke, Timothy Geithner, Gordon Brown, France’s Hollande and the great majority of the U.S….

David Sereda – Faster Than Light Communication – June 5, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone David Sereda Faster Than Light Communication June 5, 2012 Today we were blessed with a second visit from David Sereda who spoke more about the hidden power of Crystals and his search for hidden harmonic codes of the universe beyond the Fibonacci Sequence! New breakthroughs in faster than light…

The Amazing Atom Bergstrom – What You Eat Is Also What You Eat Ate – June 4, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone The Amazing Atom Bergstrom Body & Organ Language specialist and promoter of Time Conscious Eating and Longevity Lifestyles June 4, 2012 It’s always an indescribable event when Atom Bergstrom joins us the first Monday of every month. Chronobiotic Nutrition or Time Conscious Eating is the foundation of his work…

Temperature-Compensated Jet Traveling

The 24-hour rotational cycle of Earth bio-entrains human beings to the identical cycle. If a jet traveler flies westward (east to west) against Earth’s rotation, he lengthens his biologically synchronized 24-hour cycle, and is prone to depression – a hypo, dilated, sedative, parasympathetic effect. If a jet traveler flies eastward (west to east) with Earth’s…

There Are No Diseases

  Dr Alison Adams, Dentist, Naturopath and Author (The Natural Recovery Plan)   Disease labeling case study 1 I was recently reading an article about the singer/songwriter Rumer, who came to prominence with her first album, Seasons of My Soul which was nominated for several awards. She was born to a British couple living in…

How To Reduce The Cancer-Causing Effects of Mobile Phones

How To Reduce The Cancer-Causing Effects of Mobile Phones   27th May 2012 BySayer Ji–Wake Up World Ever since the World Health Organizationadmitted in 2011 that cell phone radiation is “possibly carcinogenic,” and may be contributing to the global uptick in brain cancer cases, its far harder to label someone a hypochondriac for being concerned…

Open Phone Friday – Approaching Life with Enthusiasm As Everything Seems to be Going South – June 1, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone OPEN PHONE FRIDAY June 1, 2012 It’s our favorite day of the week, yet again, when we can connect with our One Radio Network extended family and share thoughts, ideas and insights on so many subjects. We appreciate your love, support, encouragement and input. Todays topics included: -Approaching life…

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