Latest Health News and Studies – Articles

Cleanse, Flush, Sweat, Mobilize, Chelate, Detox…and Heal

Cleanse, Flush, Sweat, Mobilize, Chelate, Detox…and Heal GreenMedInfo It’s an industrial world out there. Few pristine places are left on Earth, and even there the winds of industry blow. Luckily we have answers. Obviously sunshine, exercise, a truly healthy diet and a happy mindful kinetic lifestyle are lobby-level, yet illness can begin in the best of us…

7 Simple Ways to Unclog Your Arteries Naturally

7 Simple Ways to Unclog Your Arteries Naturally GreenMedInfo We all want to live a long life, but did you know eating these simple foods has been proven scientifically to prevent and in some cases reverse the #1 cause of death in the modern world? At present, atherosclerosis (the progressive narrowing and clogging up of the arteries)…

Leading OB-GYN Group Took $11 Million From CDC to Push COVID Shots on Pregnant Women, Documents Reveal

Leading OB-GYN Group Took $11 Million From CDC to Push COVID Shots on Pregnant Women, Documents Reveal Originally published on by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention bankrolled the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to the tune of $11 million to promote COVID-19 vaccination as “safe and effective” for pregnant women, according…

REVERSING METABOLIC DISEASE: Natural Remedies for Insulin Resistance, Belly Fat Accumulation, Dietary Hormone Disruptors

REVERSING METABOLIC DISEASE: Natural Remedies for Insulin Resistance, Belly Fat Accumulation, Dietary Hormone Disruptors GreenMedInfo One obvious sign of the metabolic syndrome epidemic is the fact that more than two-thirds of Americans are overweight and about half are obese.1 Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that include high blood pressure, insulin resistance, elevated waist-to-hip ratio, and dyslipidemia (an…

World Health Organization Pushes for Global Vaccine Passports

World Health Organization Pushes for Global Vaccine Passports Reclaim the Net reported: The WHO laid out its plans for global vaccine passports in a series of proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) — a legally binding instrument that imposes various conditions on 196 countries when the WHO declares certain types of health emergencies. As governments…

Scientists Now Want to Create AI Using Real Human Brain Cells

Scientists Now Want to Create AI Using Real Human Brain Cells Vice reported: Machine-learning models like the one that powers ChatGPT are generating essays, short stories and entire podcasts. But scientists are looking into another way of computing that could be just as efficient and powerful, and it’s in our brains. In a new article published on…

Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Breast Cancer: What’s the Risk?

Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Breast Cancer: What’s the Risk? December 29th, 2022 By Ty and Charlene Bollinger Guest Writers for Wake Up World Recent studies show that one in four adults in the United States are B12 deficient. Research also shows that vitamin B12 deficiency may be directly linked to greater risk of certain cancers. B12 comes…

Hydrogen-rich water reduces inflammatory responses and prevents apoptosis of peripheral blood cells in healthy adults: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial

Hydrogen-rich water reduces inflammatory responses and prevents apoptosis of peripheral blood cells in healthy adults: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial Nature Abstract The evidence for the beneficial effects of drinking hydrogen-water (HW) is rare. We aimed to investigate the effects of HW consumption on oxidative stress and immune functions in healthy adults using systemic approaches…

12 ‘Ancient’ Natural Alternatives Better Than Drugs

12 ‘Ancient’ Natural Alternatives Better Than Drugs GreenMedInfo When it comes to traditional remedies, don’t mistake “old” for obsolete. In the case of these 12 natural remedies, they may be old, but they really are tried and true In the modern digital age, information that has stood the test of time is increasingly drowned out…

Benefits of Butter: What the Science Says

Benefits of Butter: What the Science Says Dr. Kiltz Butter is fatty and delicious–so of course, it has to be bad for you, right? Wrong! The benefits of butter are numerous! Welcome to 21st-century nutrition! Numerous high-quality studies are finally setting the record straight on the health benefits of butter and animal fat.  In fact, whole…

How the Psychiatry Industry CREATES The Mental Health Epidemic

How the Psychiatry Industry CREATES The Mental Health Epidemic Empowered Sustenance Why has mental illness, and disability from mental illness, skyrocketed alongside the introduction of psychiatric drugs in the 1950’s? If drugs worked to solve our mental challenges, wouldn’t we see a different pattern? Consider these quotes: “For many reasons now, going to a psychologist…

Why You Should Treat Yourself to Regular Saunas

Why You Should Treat Yourself to Regular Saunas GreenMedInfo Want to enjoy many of the same benefits as a bout of vigorous exercise, extend your “healthspan” and protect your brain and heart health — all while relaxing in warm comfort? Treat yourself to a sauna! Could a treat as luxurious as a sauna really be…

TERRAIN: A film by Andrew Kaufman M.D. and Marcelina Cravat

TERRAINA film by Andrew Kaufman M.D. and Marcelina Cravat Featuring: Andrew Kaufman M.D., Marc McDonald M.D., Peggy Hall, Samantha Bailey M.D., Sally Fallon, Alphonse Faggiolo, Barre Lando M.D., Tom Cowan M.D., Stefan Lanka Ph.D., Kelly Brogan M.D., Veda Austin, Tony Roman, and Sayer Ji. TERRAIN exposes the tyrannical world pandemic hoax, built upon the…

Can Pine Pollen Really Raise Testosterone Levels?

Can Pine Pollen Really Raise Testosterone Levels? If you’ve been a long time listener of One Radio Network, you have, no doubt, heard Patrick singing the praises of Surthrival’s Pine Pollen products. Pine pollen is used for many things but the boosting of testosterone is what Patrick likes most. Patrick has experienced 75 Christmas’ this…

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The information on this website and talk shows is solely for informational and entertainment purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors, producers of One Radio Network, Patrick Timpone, their guests or web masters take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained on this website in written or audio form, live or podcasts. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider and take total responsibility for his or her actions at all times. Patrick Joseph of the family of Timpone, a man...All rights reserved, without recourse.