How To Be Free In an Unfree World – Articles

TERRAIN: A film by Andrew Kaufman M.D. and Marcelina Cravat

TERRAINA film by Andrew Kaufman M.D. and Marcelina Cravat Featuring: Andrew Kaufman M.D., Marc McDonald M.D., Peggy Hall, Samantha Bailey M.D., Sally Fallon, Alphonse Faggiolo, Barre Lando M.D., Tom Cowan M.D., Stefan Lanka Ph.D., Kelly Brogan M.D., Veda Austin, Tony Roman, and Sayer Ji. TERRAIN exposes the tyrannical world pandemic hoax, built upon the…

European Plans for ‘Vaccine Passports’ Were in Place 20 Months Prior to the Pandemic. Coincidence?

GreenMedInfo European Plans for ‘Vaccine Passports’ Were in Place 20 Months Prior to the Pandemic. Coincidence? With the world being told that so-called ‘vaccine passports’ will be required for all international travel in future, and in many countries even to enter shops, restaurants, bars, gyms, hotels, theatres, concerts and sports events, the impression we are…

LA Schools to Track Every Kid Using Microsoft’s ‘Daily Pass’ COVID App

LA Schools to Track Every Kid Using Microsoft’s ‘Daily Pass’ COVID App School officials say the COVID-tracking app will keep kids safe. But critics warn the technology, required in order for children to attend class, infringes on kids’ privacy and that parents should be concerned. By Megan Redshaw Los Angeles schools plan to reopen next month â€”…

Naomi Wolf: We’ve Reached ‘Step Ten’ of the 10 Steps to Fascism

Naomi Wolf: We’ve Reached ‘Step Ten’ of the 10 Steps to Fascism Childrens Health Defense In 2008, I wrote a book, “The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot.” In it I warned, based on my study of closing democracies in 20th century history, that America needed to beware of an all-too-possible slide…

Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy

Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy Citizens for Free Speech POSTED BY PATRICK WOOD 919SC ON MAY 11, 2020 With the advent of the so-called COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen a number of medical practices that have little or no scientific support as regards reducing the spread of this infection. One of these measures is…

BREAKING: Leaked Google Documents Link Holocaust Denial, Vatican-Alien Conspiracy, Etc. with Vaccine Safety Questions

BREAKING: Leaked Google Documents Link Holocaust Denial, Vatican-Alien Conspiracy, Etc. with Vaccine Safety Questions GreenMedInfo A new investigative report reveals that Google has been classifying searches such as “do vaccines cause autism” as “fringe queries” alongside searches that include Holocaust denial, Pizzagate, the Vatican’s knowledge of aliens, and so-called “false flag” shootings.  A new report…

How a NeoCon-Backed “Fact Checker” Plans to Wage War on Independent Media

How a NeoCon-Backed “Fact Checker” Plans to Wage War on Independent Media     MintPressNews MINNEAPOLIS — Soon after the social media “purge” of independent media sites and pages this past October, a top neoconservative insider — Jamie Fly — was caught stating that the mass deletion of anti-establishment and anti-war pages on Facebook and Twitter was “just…

BREAKING: Major Health Freedom Victory! 4 Vaccine Bills Defeated in FL

BREAKING: Major Health Freedom Victory! 4 Vaccine Bills Defeated in FL GreenMedInfo After a deluge of vaccine bills threatening to strip health freedom flooded the FL legislature earlier this year, the concerted efforts of grassroots activists and independent media emerged victorious with all 4 bills now officially withdrawn and defeated. I am excited to announce…

HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is pleased to announce the formation of a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division in the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR).  The announcement will take place at an event at HHS headquarters from…


Please take action before Dec. 27 FCC PROPOSING TO DISCONTINUE LAND LINES IN U.S. HERE IS A CALL TO ACTION TO PREVENT THIS PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD   This is important, and a challenge that you may want to take action ON , now. The FCC is proposing to discontinue land line service in many…

Collective Consciousness – The Individual isGone

Collective Consciousness – The Individual isGone Jon Rappoport, Guest Waking Times “In the middle of all the brain-research going on, from one end of the planet to the other, there is the assumption that the individual doesn’t really exist. He’s a fiction. There is only the motion of particles in the brain. Therefore, nothing is…

The Communist Manifesto More Applicable in U.S. than the Constitution

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer Waking Times Upon completion of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, Dr. Benjamin Franklin was asked by an interested citizen, “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?.” His reply has become famous in the annals of American history:…

13 quotes from George Orwell’s 1984 that resonate more than ever

13 quotes from George Orwell’s 1984 that resonate more than ever     Ink Tank One of the most influential dystopian novels ever written, 1984 has had a profound effect on the world. Since its publication in 1949 many of its concepts have entered modern day parlance. Big Brother, doublethink, thoughtcrime, Newspeak andRoom 101 are…

Attorney Takes On the State of California and SB277: First Amendment Rights Have Been Clearly Violated

Attorney Takes On the State of California and SB277: First Amendment Rights Have Been Clearly Violated By Denver Valenti One Radio Network On June 30, 2015, Governor Brown of California signed SB277 for mandatory vaccines which has been set to go into effect on July 1, 2016.The bill was prompted by the 2014 Disneyland measles…

UN Seeking Full-Spectrum Biometric Dominance of the Human Race

Phillip Schneider, Staff Waking Times The UN has announced a plan to biometrically track every citizen on Earth – to collect and store all the information about our facial features, fingerprints, iris codes, DNA and anything else that might be useful to them to identify each one of us individually. This information would then be…

Propagandists Have Infiltrated Every Segment of Academia and Social Media To Confuse Consumers Who Seek Accurate Information About Health

APRIL 8, 2015 by MARCO TORRES Prevent Disease The long anticipated cultural war over vaccines initiated by governments on behalf of the pharmaceutical industrial complex is steadily increasing in intensity. Contrary to innate human rights, mandatory initiatives to vaccinate the entire population have spawned well over one hundred bills across 36 states. How any sane…

Are Pro-Vaccine Advocates Illiterate?

Are Pro-Vaccine Advocates Illiterate? by Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM The speed at which the pro-vaccine forces are working to stomp out freedom of speech, freedom to learn and freedom of choice is simply staggering. Hijacking the media so they can take complete control of the message shows how far they are willing to go…

Personal Alchemy: The Power of Individuals Over Institutions

Personal Alchemy: The Power of Individuals Over Institutions | Wake Up World By Ethan Indigo Smith Contributing Writer for Wake Up World I recently left the steadiness of California to embark on a continental book tour. I, like any writer I suppose, have untapped reservoirs of hope rooted in the conviction that I can change…


WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: PROHIBIT ANY LAWS MANDATING THE FORCE AND REQUIREMENT OF VACCINATIONS OF ANY KIND. No human being should be FORCED to be vaccinated against their will and/or personal/religious beliefs. I petition against making vaccinations of any kind mandatory. This includes forcing children to be vaccinated to attend public schools, activities,…

Breaking: Google gives new meaning to “Orwellian”

By Jon Rappoport March 1, 2015 “…if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth.” (1984, George Orwell) The New Scientist has the stunning story (2/28/15, “Google wants to rank websites based on facts not links,” by Hal Hodson): “THE internet is stuffed with garbage. Anti-vaccination…

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