Daily Archives: March 11, 2021

Vaccine or Perpetual 3D Printer?

Vaccine or Perpetual 3D Printer? By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Vaccines activate inflammatory responses. Normal responses last about 6 months, and are cyclical —> 1) immediate2) 7 days3) 28 days4) 6 months. The Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines have the potential (via reverse transcriptase) to transmute people into PERPETUAL and INHERITABLE inflammatory-response medical devices. <>…

LA Schools to Track Every Kid Using Microsoft’s ‘Daily Pass’ COVID App

LA Schools to Track Every Kid Using Microsoft’s ‘Daily Pass’ COVID App School officials say the COVID-tracking app will keep kids safe. But critics warn the technology, required in order for children to attend class, infringes on kids’ privacy and that parents should be concerned. By Megan Redshaw Los Angeles schools plan to reopen next month â€”…

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