Motivation and Productivity – Articles

80-Year Study Shows Happiness Is The Driving Force In Our Health

80-Year Study Shows Happiness Is The Driving Force In Our Health   Prevent Disease How people describe both positive and negative events in their lives influences their perception of their own life. When scientists began tracking the health of 268 Harvard sophomores in 1938 during the Great Depression, they hoped the longitudinal study would reveal…

Objective Reality vs. Perceived Reality

Objective Reality vs. Perceived Reality     John Perkins, Evonomics Waking Times My success as chief economist at a major international consulting firm was not due to the lessons I learned in business school. It was not due to the competence of my staff of brilliant econometricians and financial wizards. Those things may have helped…

5 Strategies to Help You Get Out of a Rut

  5 Strategies to Help You Get Out of a Rut     Sofia Adamson, Staff Waking Times For many of us, there comes a point in life when things feel flat, boring, negative, or even painful; simply put, you find yourself in a rut. Day-to-day life seems to be harder than it should be,…

The Science of Happiness: Why complaining is literally killing you

The Science of Happiness: Why complaining is literally killing you. By Steven Parton, Sometimes in life, all the experience and knowledge simmering around in that ol’ consciousness of ours combines itself in a way that suddenly causes the cerebral clockwork to click into place, and in this fluid flow of thought we find an…

In a World in Fear of Fictional Enemies, Who Are the Real “Conspiracy Theorists”?

In a World in Fear of Fictional Enemies, Who Are the Real “Conspiracy Theorists”? 2nd February 2016 By Zen Gardner Contributing Writer for Wake Up World “Conspiracy theorist”. Like many of you, I’m sick and tired of this pejorative label that’s pasted flippantly onto anyone seriously challenging the status quo. There was a time this…

10 Forgotten Spiritual Truths About Raising Children

10 Forgotten Spiritual Truths About Raising Children 13th January 2016 By Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D Guest Writer for Wake Up World In our life most of us have experienced one or two mysterious encounters, when visitors come to us from the unknown. These special guests are in fact our own children. We love them, and…

Do We Really Create Our Own Reality?

Do We Really Create Our Own Reality? 27th October 2015 By Lissa Rankin, MD There’s a school of thought in spiritual circles that ascribes to the idea that everything that happens in our lives — the blissful things, the growth edge things, the horrid things — all happens with purpose. This spiritual teaching suggests that…

Personal Alchemy: The Power of Individuals Over Institutions

Personal Alchemy: The Power of Individuals Over Institutions | Wake Up World By Ethan Indigo Smith Contributing Writer for Wake Up World I recently left the steadiness of California to embark on a continental book tour. I, like any writer I suppose, have untapped reservoirs of hope rooted in the conviction that I can change…

Soulful Happiness

Soulful Happiness | Wake Up World 5th January 2015 By Cynthia Olsen Guest Writer for Wake Up World One might ask, “How can I be happier in my life? How can I unite my body, mind and soul to create a happy life?” Doctors have long acknowledged the influence our thought patterns have on the…

12 Ways to Rebuild Your Life and Make it Ridiculously Amazing

byLuminita D. Saviuc – “Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.” — Joseph AddisonWhat if one day you woke up and decided that you were tired of feeling tired and that…

Why Today’s Young People are Going Crazy

Why Today’s Young People are Going Crazy – Waking Times Constant distraction creates an insecure attachment with kids, which can lead to addiction and mental health issues. Over the past decade or two, seasoned therapists who treat young people have been seeing some increasingly worrisome trends. Although solid statistics are hard to come by, one…

The Secret To Changing The World Nobody Talks About

4th November 2014 ByLissa Rankin MD   You can’t change something by making it wrong. You can only effect change if you can wake up the sleeping people, and in order for them to hear you, you must have compassion for how they got where they are. Think of all the truly effective change agents….

Subconscious Manipulators: Take Your Life Off Autopilot

Nick Parkins, New Dawn Waking Times The idea of someone or something controlling our every thought and action is so 1980s. Let’s face it, we live out our modern, technological lives with access to instant communication and information that allows us to enjoy greater control and freedoms of thought and expression than at any point…

Healing Past Trauma

Healing Past Trauma | Wake Up World 27th October 2014 ByNanice Ellis Guest Writer for Wake Up World Did you know that every time you talk about an unhealed wound or trauma, you re-activate it in your emotional, spiritual and physical bodies? As you speak, or even think, about an old issue, you experience it…

Laughter Shown To Work Better Than Pharmaceuticals And Affects The Body Like Exercise

SEPTEMBER 24, 2014 by MAE CHAN It’s no secret that laughter is good for you and, even when indulged in liberally, is gloriously free of side effects. Laughter is a simple stress reducer, a kind of natural Valium, but is also allows us to connect to other people in such unique ways, that it cannot…

Five Steps Toward A Better Life

Luminita Saviuc,Purpose Fairy Waking Times When it comes to finding happiness, many of us seem to be looking for it in all the wrong places, wasting time and energy, not realizing that the root of happiness is within each and every one of us, in our hearts. Allowing ourselves to experience genuine happiness is to…

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