Moderation in all things, including supplements.

According to The Lancet, June 29, 1996 …

“There have been previous reports of lipoid pneumonia being indistinguishable from bronchial cancer but this is the first description of fish oil resulting in lipoid pneumonia.”

(Incidentally, lipoid pneumonia is a hyperalkaline reaction.)

As a prime example of MEDICAL AMNESIA, Emanuel Revici, M.D., first diestinguished the “indistinguishable” way back in 1938 by identifying lipoid pneumonia and bronchial cancer as separate and OPPOSITE pathologies – lipoid pneumonia is catabolic while bronchial cancer is anabolic.

Dr. Revici also described how diarrhea and anal ulceration tend to accompany lipoid pneumonia, while constipation and other anabolic symptoms accompany bronchial cancer.

Short-term use of cod liver oil is therapeutic, butEXCESS cod liver oil used over an extended period of TIME (and at the WRONG TIME of day) is a certifiedfreeway to bronchial pneumonia.

Dr. Revici (Research in Physiopathology as Basis of Guided Chemotherapy With Special Application to Cancer, 1961) wrote …

“Because of low specific gravity and high urinary pH, the [lung cancer] patient was given oral treatment with cod liver oil fatty acids. Gelatinous capsules containing 0.25 gm. of the fatty acid mixture were used in a starting dose of 0.5 gm. a day, and were increased progressively to 1.5 gm. a day. The patient made an impressive gain in a few days of treatment. The pain disappeared entirely, as did the dyspnea. The cough also almost disappeared in a few days, and in two weeks the patient was able to get out of bed. The improvement continued, and in less than two months, the patient was even able to go horse-back riding. Radiologically, the tumors also showed progressive regression. We continued the treatment with a relatively high dosage – 2 grams of cod liver oil fatty acids daily – for a total of two months, with evidence of continued improvement. Then, suddenly, symptoms of pulmonary congestion became apparent and the general condition rapidly became worse. Urine analysis now showed a high specific gravity and a low pH. In spite of discontinuing the medication, the patient was back in bed with increasing dyspnea. He died two weeks later with symptoms of pulmonary edema.”

All three of my e-books on cancer are available at …

FB: Atom’s School of Self-Healing at




'58 Years Ahead of The Lancet' have 4 comments

  1. March 28, 2012 @ 3:24 pm atomb

    For those who don’t know, Dr. Emanuel Revici is the reason why folks all over the world now supplement with fish oils.

    Medical “experts” and supplement salespeople have conveniently “forgotten” the downside of fish oils, also discovered by Dr. Revici.

    The Universe is both YIN and YANG.

  2. March 28, 2012 @ 5:18 pm atomb

    Re: Hey what do you know that is good for allergies?

    Generally, vitamin C and fresh local bee pollen.

    Bee pollen tablets aren’t fresh or (usually) local, so they won’t do the job.

    Make sure you’re not allergic to fresh bee pollen by starting out very gradually.

    Local “capping honey” opposes allergies too.

    At bedtime, a teaspoon to a tablespoon of 100% agave tequila combined with the same amount of aloe vera gel in 6 or 8 ounces of pineapple juice can help too.

    Between 1:00-3:00 p.m., a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses in 6 or 8 ounces of tomato juice is also helpful.

    If your tongue is red and/or cracked, it can indicate susceptibility to allergies, and quality protein (spirulina, whey protein, etc.) is needed.

    Avoid blue-green algae.

  3. March 29, 2012 @ 9:12 am Tommy TIRS

    Hi Bud,

    Thanks for all you do for me/us!

    As per your “Rx”, I take 1-2 tsp Coconut Oil in Stomach Time (7-9 AM). I also take 1 tsp Cod Liver Oil in Circulation Sex Time (7-9 PM) EVERY NIGHT. Although Time trumps a lot of things, you have made me question the frequency of my ingesting the CLO. Thanks At-OM!

    Tommy from TIRS

    • March 29, 2012 @ 3:31 pm atomb

      Thanks to YOU, Tommy, for being one of the best bodyworkers on the planet – and my former roommate at Texas Institute of Reflex Science. :)

      One teaspoon of CLO each evening over an extended period of time won’t bother the average healthy person due to the efficiency of a normal acid-base buffering system.

      It CAN effect someone with health issues.

      Also, the coconut oil in the morning helps balance the cod liver oil at night.

      Eating clarified butter or butter oil in the evening is also a balancing influence.

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