I wished out loud, “What we need is an electronics expert to measure and validate the reflexology and kinesiology you’re teaching us.”
Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) leaned back and stretched deeply into his well-worn recliner chair, intoning, “The Lord will provide, the Lord will provide.”
And along came J.L. Patterson.
I first met J.L. when I worked at the Phoenix Metaphysical Bookstore on Westheimer Blvd. in Houston.
He bought a biorhythm computer from us, and asked if I knew anyone knowledgeable about biorhythms.
I informed him that Adano could answer any of his questions.
I’d never heard Adano say a word about biorhythms, but since Adano seemed to know anything about everything and everything about anything, how could J.L. be disappointed?
The three of us met that evening in number 111 of the London Apartments in the Galleria area of Houston.
J.L. showed us the $1,000 version of the Texas Instruments’ $29.95 biorhythm computer he had programmed in one afternoon.
His $1,000 handhand mini-computer would probably sell for five bucks today.
But in November, 1976, it was state-of-the-art, including its roll of printout paper.
After J.L.’s demonstration, Adano said there were actually seven biorhythms, not three.
Adano referred to the well-known 23-day physical, 28-day emotional, and 33-day intellectual biorhythms, then discussed the 38-day “mental psychic rhythm,” the 43-day “pure psychic rhythm,” the 48-day “spiritual rhythm,” and the 53-day “pure spiritual rhythm.”
J.L. told Adano about an acupuncturist who had recently cured him of two serious chronic diseases – including a life-threatening inability to catch his breath.
A Chinese acupuncturist who spoke no English had inserted fourteen acupuncture needles for a one-time treatment.
Adano placed his middle finger on his nose – one of his characteristic gestures – and asked, “Let me ask you a crazy question. What color do you think of when you think of your respiratory attacks?”
J.L.’s respiratory attacks had started after a crime syndicate bilked him out of a million dollars.
His severe attacks, usually requiring hospitalization, continued until the Chinese acupuncturist needled him, also curing his other chronic problem – arthritis.
Adano “recycled” J.L. of the trauma, although J.L. was unaware of it.
J.L. continued asking questions.
Due to a photographic memory, J.L. had memorized all his high school classmates’ IQ scores (more than 600 students).
He noticed his classmates with IQs over 130 were poor businessmen, earning very little money, whereas an IQ of 105 to 125 was optimum for financial prosperity.
Had Adano ever noticed this phenomenon?
“Yes,” replied Adano. “Because high IQ is a nutritional problem.”
Then Adano said the human body had a front-to-back polarity.
J.L. leaned forward in his chair. “You don’t mean an electrical polarity?”
“Yes,” affirmed Adano. “And not only that, but it switches polarity every hour.”
“That’s nonsense,” scoffed J.L. “I’m an inventor with fifty engineers working for me, I own my own electronics company, I’ve done surveillance for both the phone company and the FBI, and I’m telling you there’s no way that there’s an electrical polarity between the front and the back of the body.”
“Bring your instrumentation,” Adano replied, unperturbed.
J.L. supplied specific reasons why such a polarity couldn’t possibly exist.
“Bring your instrumentation,” Adano repeated, looking comfortable and self-assured in his recliner chair.
J.L. returned with his electronic equipment, and validated Adano’s data – including the hourly polarity shifts.
Steve Shiver assisted J.L. with his research.
J.L. soon became fascinated with the astrological armlets that Adano fashioned.
They were constructed of gold, silver, and copper wire, and contained coral and the wearer’s birthstone.
Adano insisted the armlets were cathodic bonders producing a negative ionic field that stepped up the body’s voltage by acting as an antenna.
J.L. quickly validated the voltage jump.
Various other bracelets – including just plain copper ones – and jewelry of different geometries and compositions were tested, but there was no voltage difference whatsoever.
'7 Biorhythms, Electrical Polarity, & Astrological Armlets' have 6 comments
February 8, 2013 @ 9:45 am BFC
I am running out of WOWs !!!
Atom, You must be the most priveledged man alive to have met, recognized whom or rather what you’ve met, then to have witnessed and documented all of this invaluable information, let alone being near the cosmodyne energy Adano must have emanated!
I have done a lot of research in my life but the quality of this information is on another level! Another WOW for you Atom!
Dear Patrick,
if you are reading this, first of all thank you for your contribution to the expansion of the awareness of your listeners and beyond! Thank you for recognizing how important what Atom has to say is! I would also like to add, that if you would consider inviting Atom to do a show on a more frequent basis ( if Atom agrees of course ) you would do the mankind an even greater service!
Either way, yet another WOW!.. and many thanks to both of you, Patrick and Atom!
February 10, 2013 @ 6:48 pm atomb
Thank you for your very kind words! :)
February 8, 2013 @ 7:55 pm Dee
Hi Atom
Love your Adano stories.
1) What did adano mean by high IQ being a nutritional problem. Why a “problem”.
2)Where can one get an astrological armlet.
February 10, 2013 @ 7:02 pm atomb
Adano said, “It’s better to be lucky than smart.”
He used to ask the question, “Would you rather have a degree or would you rather be lucky?”
Genius is usually nothing but the upper limits of linear thinking, a product of linear nutrition, not quantum nutrition.
Luck is synchronicity – TIMING.
Adano taught Ray Rossi of Flagstaff, Arizona, how to make the astrological armlets just before he dropped his mortal coil.
I’m overdue to contact Ray, and maybe he’s still making armlets.
February 12, 2013 @ 8:32 am BFC
Could you share more of what Adano had to say on psychic and spiritual biorhythms?
Many thanks!
February 12, 2013 @ 3:27 pm atomb
Most people are confined to 23, 28, and 33 day biorhythms, starting at birth, while others are “out of the box.”
It would be fun to follow a person’s 38, 43, 48, and 53 day biorhythms to add to our database.
Following the conversation with J.L. Patterson, Adano never talked about those extra biorhythms again.