Max Igan

Globalist Expert

Max Igan is an Australian Activist who currently lives in New South Wales, Australia. At his core…he is an ARTIST – both musical and visual, adept in Photoshop, Bryce and a few other 3D programs.

Ultimately, his broad experience of humanity makes him uniquely capable of fresh insights with far-reaching implications.

In his many videos, He brings his powerful vision to lay bare the hidden crimes of the Globalists. Both his intellect and his tongue are sharp and those who seek Freedom are strengthen by his powerful observations that he shares in his videos which can be found on Freedom platforms such as Bitchute, Rumble and many others.

The pandemic has led to awakening about the falsity we’ve been taught.

The pleasure of realizing you’ve been following a wrong paradigm and changing paths.

Who is “they”?  Freemasons, Jesuits, Jews.  It’s our belief in authority.

It doesn’t matter who you blame.  Why are you still complying with what they tell us?

Why can’t we live cooperatively?  Make the world better than you found it.  Move closer to the divine.

You don’t have to be someone special to change the world.

Focus on now, not on the outcome.  Enlightenment is a journey. 

Change your attitude and emotional state and the world changes for you.

Not “don’t do that” but “try this”. 

Who inspired Max?  Fantasy stuff, Frank Zappa, music, people he’s met.

We’re all connected to spirit.  We don’t need anyone’s book.

We’re a spark of divinity, not a sinner.  Realize the connection.  We are all souls.

We don’t need government to protect us.  Medical complex has done us horrible wrong.

Max’s website is

Fear of nuclear weapons keeps people in line.  Keeps them believing they need government to save them. 

No need for any type of nuclear conflagration.  What is the point of mutual assured destruction?

1985 photo of Statue of Liberty matches old photo of Lucifer.

'Max Igan | The Awakening Is Real; It’s Time We Really Wake Up | October 26, 2022' have 3 comments

  1. October 27, 2022 @ 10:55 am Trevor Smith

    Max is wonderful. Self-educated, like your good self, but very wise and a fantastic speaker too. Please add him to your monthly schedule!

    You used to interview Brad Johnson of BC in his former Adronis guise. He is quite busy nowadays but it would be great to have him back as a positive counterpoint to Max’s Orwellian stance. Thanks.


  2. October 28, 2022 @ 12:53 pm Suzy

    Why do you keep saying Max currently lives in New South Wales, Australia, when he became an international refugee at least a year ago and currently lives in Mexico? Maybe you could update the bio?
    Other than that, no complaints offered!


    • October 28, 2022 @ 1:02 pm patrick

      Actually, Max and I talked about him lining Mexico several times. ??


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