Alec Zeck

The End of COVID

Alec Zeck received his B.S. in Systems Engineering from the United States Military Academy at West Point. He is a speaker, writer, podcaster, and former Army Captain. He is the former Executive Director and Founder of Health Freedom for Humanity, the founder of The Way Forward, and Producer of The End Of COVID series.

Alec began investigating the “Lab Leak” spin early on in 2019

The End of Covid begins with 90 modules on July 11 and is free until August 1st.

he has assembled the finest group of Virus Truthers to put this program together

Some of the presenters:  Lanka, Cowan, Kaufman, Vollmer, Stone, the Bailey’s in New Zealand, Lando, Parker, Falconer and many more

There’s no evidence of any pathogen of any kind being transferred through mosquitos or ticks

Lyme Disease has been and is a false narrative from all perspectives

'Alec Zeck | The End of COVID Premiers on July 11; Absolute Proof There Are No Viruses as Advertised | July 5, 2023' has no comments

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