Amandha Vollmer

Urine TherapyWaste Product or a Substance for Healing?

Amandha Dawn Vollmer holds a degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto and a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Biotechnology. 

Most of her life, Amandha has taken a keen interest in botanical medicine, self-educating on the topic many years before attaining her formal medical training. Amandha also sought answers via the energetic healing arts and became a Registered Reiki Practitioner & Teacher, among other modalities.

After much scholarly and independent study, Amandha’s passion for the elegant and effective sub-molecular medicine known as homeopathy brought her to study in India under Rajan Sankaran. Amandha volunteered for intensive medical program in Northern India, shadowing cardiologists, obstetricians, Ayurvedic practitioners and homeopathic doctors alike.

Amandha is the author of Healing with DMSO book, a science-backed guide will help you understand how DMSO works, why it works, and the many ways you can harness its power to heal your aches, pains, and other ailments, all in an easy-to-read and friendly way.

Developed DMSO Horsetail Hair Regrowth Spray.  Thickens hair, assists regrowth, reduces breakage.  Male pattern baldness is a hormonal imbalance, requires further therapy, as well as females with testosterone pattern.  Product available at  Requires clean hair and scalp. is for her non-dmso products. for her book.

Amandha’s driving motivation: How can we get out of this system? 

Experiencing dark night of the soul.  Why are we here?

Why did Amandha start urine therapy?  Results from topical application within 24 hours.  Later use on daughter’s UTI, bee stings.

Urine is a bowel cleanser.  Cleans intestinal tract and whole gut.

Different protocols for different situations.  Generally catch morning urine and consume 2-3 oz.

Is there any waste in urine?  3,000 chemicals found in urine.  Incredible microtubules of kidney, only removes what is in excess.

Water is structured by kidneys.  Body holographically represented in urine.

DNA is a production of coiling of water.  Change of frequency changes the blueprint.

Urine is snapshot of your waters.  Carries information within the body.  Body fat reduces with urine therapy.

Transform the relationship between adult and child within ourselves.

Motivating a child to please and make correct decisions for herself.

Amandha fasts a lot, drinks urine, introduces bacterial colonies via yogurt, grows own salad greens, makes flatbreads from various grains, butter, eggs from neighbor’s chickens.  Minimal meat, always from clean sources.  Trying to balance out acidic states.

After drinking morning urine for 3 years, listener has morning diarrhea.  May be an underlying issue with the bowel.  Do coffee and urine enemas.  Focus on the liver.

What to do with stinky urine kept for 2 months?  It’s growing stem cells, breaking metabolites down.  Filter it off, dilute for topical application, mouthwash, poultice, eyedrops, treating blemishes, enemas.

Book recommendation for urine therapy:  Brother Sage’s work.  John Armstrong for introduction.

How about deuterium depleted water?  Maybe get same benefits with molecular hydrogen water.

Can I do urine and coffee enemas at the same time?  Sure.  Urine is not a retention enema, whereas coffee is.  Urine is a stem cell injection.  Amandha gets more upliftment and energy from urine enema.

Is there anything to pH of urine?  pH is voltage.

Is it safe to do enemas after a stroke 5 months ago?  Having gall bladder pain and candida.  Indicates liver issues, metals, toxicity from meds.  Can do urine therapy to assist.  Support liver. is Amandha’s website.  Her courses are available there. for emails. 

Most blood donated is used for drug manufacturing.  Plasma is available from urine.

Washing hair, face with saved morning urine in a shower.

The body is intelligent.  We’ve lost that knowledge.  Need to understand how our voltage realm works.  The sound creates the light.

Does daughter use urine therapy?  Yes.  She cares about how people see her.  Washes her hair with urine.

Any products for cataracts?  See eyedrop section at  Start with 20% DMSO with Vitamin C, then mix in 40% DMSO.  Cataracts is damage done to the protein due to inflammatory issues.  Scar tissue calcifies and becomes crystallized.  Magnesium topically will help.  Castor oil in eyes at bedtime.  Colloidal silver in the eyes, keeps scar tissue from forming.  Castor oil packs on the liver.  Vitamin C.

Shilajit – Canadian regulations stop her from selling it.  See Dr. Andy Kaufmann for it.

Supplements are meant to be supplemental to food.  Can’t absorb them if gut isn’t good.

Oxalates – should we cut back on them?  Fruiting body is the non-damaging food for us.  Prepare food to be rid of oxalates.  E.g. drain eggplant, soak seeds first. 

Do we catch anything from anybody?  Not germs or viruses.  But our voltages can be altered by others.

Structuring suppression in our society in order to manipulate people.

Feminist movement was manufactured.  Created men in drag.  Imbecilic thinking, crazy psychology from being manipulated.

Amandha philosophizes at length about Lefty Lucys, abortion rights, women’s roles, abandonment of children, wokeness, awareness of culture vs. not giving a s**t, God’s intentions for us, trying to change a broken system by changing our behaviors, ignorance is not bliss, emotional explosions, taking charge.

'Amandha Vollmer – Urine: Waste Product or Healing Substance? – June 15, 2022' has no comments

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