Andreas Wecker

Founder of Andreas Seed Oils

Andreas Wecker is a former German gymnast who had a long and successful career. His greatest achievement was the gold medal on high bar at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. There, he beat gymnasts of such quality as Vitaly Scherbo and Alexei Nemov. In 1989 Wecker was named the last East German Sportsman of the Year. He competed for the SC Dynamo Berlin/ Sportvereinigung (SV) Dynamo.

Wecker qualified for the German team for the Sydney Olympics in 2000. Just days before his events, he suffered a serious shoulder injury where he tore a bicep muscle in his shoulder, ending his career. Today, Wecker is the chairman and founder of Andreas Seed Oils, headquartered in Bend, Oregon and distributed through his office in Germany.

Andreas relates his health saga with Crohn’s Disease and candida.  It’s your body, it’s your responsibility, take charge, go against medical advice if needed.

Restored to health with cold-pressed, low pressure flax seed oil, CBD oil.   

Make your own stem cell therapy CBG oil.

Andreas has special technology for processing a range of oils.

Coriander oil kills candida, salmonella.

30% off sale on Andreas Wecker oils for next week.  Are all in miron glass.

With conventional grinding of oils, the metal grinding plate gets eaten up and the heavy metal is going into the product.

Why are most oils inferior to Andreas Wecker oils?  1st â€“ the grinding, then the explosion of seeds as they go through a hole.

Why does Andreas refuse to compromise in quality in the manufacture of Andreas Wecker oils?  Result is no oxidation in the oil; a living oil.

Don’t touch the oil if it doesn’t taste like the seeds.

Products: oils of black cumin, flax, fennel, sesame, kava, hemp, sunflower, milk thistle, five seed, pumpkin, coriander, and pets

What is each oil good for?

We get very relaxed when the inflammation level goes down.

Need omega six oils for the skin.  CBD oil good for the skin.

Asians uses sesame seed oil in most dishes.  Prevents the heat of menopause.

Pumpkin oil good for prostate issues.

What is the shelf life on the oils?  6-8 weeks once exposed.

Best oils for sleep – kava, flax, CBD.

Best starter oils – Flax and Five Seed oils.

Mushroom seed oils being developed.

'Andreas Wecker – The Power of Seed Oils – October 26, 2021' have 2 comments

  1. January 7, 2022 @ 11:01 am Louis Laframboise

    Great show. Fascinating all the details and seeming endless healing and other qualities the oils can gift us. It is also amazing and impressive what is all involved with the making of oils and about the detrimental effects in most other oils–(heavy) metals dissolving from grinding/pressing, toxins, heat caused by pressing/grinding, rancidity and destruction or changing of key living constituents through the filtering process. I appreciate and am inspired by Andreas’ dedication to quality and for NOT compromising (for money or whatever else). I can really see and feel the rigour and excellence he puts into his creations. We are lucky to have such a person.

    When I was looking for the CBD product on his website, I was not able to find it. I found out that it is sold via another venue ( Unless I was not able to find it on your website, you might want to add it to your website. Many thanks for sharing this inside view of Andreas, his company and his goal of wanting to heal/help others.



    • January 7, 2022 @ 11:04 am Louis Laframboise

      This interview also reveals the trickery, falsification and claims of “cold-pressed” which seems to be widespread.


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