Andrew Gause
Andrew Gause may just be the top man anywhere for the highest quality analysis into the world of money we all live in. Andrew is a currency historian, an internationally recognized expert on the United States monetary system. He’s written two books, “The Secret World of Money†and “Uncle Sam Cooks the Booksâ€. You can order these books as well as speak to Andrew personally. As a One Radio Network listener, you’ll have highest priority in his phone time. His # is 800.468.2646
Show Highlights:
-Andy said the last time an attempted coup d’ etat of a President in our Country was with JFK and it’s going on today
-Learn how the UN is tied in with the Deep State
-Inflation is on its way..happening, full steam ahead
-This is the lowest rate 30 year mortgages will be for a long, long time
-Why is the FED raising interest rates? and how exactly does it affect the financial game
-In 2008 the USG decided to treat the symptom and created the great recession, today President
Trump faces a far more ferocious monetary disease
-EPA and Monsanto exposed in just uncovered court documents covering up dangers of Roundup and thus, GMO’s
-President Eisenhower printed Treasury’s own cash, bypassing the FED to build the Interstate Highway system and JFKdid like wise for big projects like Peace Corp and going to the moon.
-President Trump will have to borrow from the bankers to do what he wants because Congress took away the abilityof the Treasury to print their own currency, (mandated in the Constitution), in 1977
-Is there a difference between The Deep State, The Shadow Government and The Boys?
-Idaho passing legislation to not have State Tax on profits from selling gold and Silver
-Andy talks to us like we are a golden retriever to explain how in fact .70 of every dollar collected by USGis used for servicing the debt and how this works with Social Security. Priceless.
-Higher interest rates are generally bullish for precious metals
-Before 1913 the entire government was financed by tariffs, as there was no income tax
-Learn who initiates and controls the trade deals President Trump pledged to abolish or change and you’llunderstand why virtually all media wants to discredit this President
and more!!
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andrew gause and the real world of money, march 15, 2017, hour one
'Andrew Gause and The Real World of Money – When the Big Picture of Finance and Politics Is Understood, the Reasons the Media Attacks Trump Become All Too Clear – March 15, 2017' have 4 comments
March 15, 2017 @ 7:55 pm Pow
Thank God…and Patrick too. POW
March 15, 2017 @ 10:41 pm Ralljr
Hey Patrick ,Sharon
Good day my friends, I’m glad your site is somewhat back up, I was able to go get it to play on my Ipad, but my Amazon tablet or my android phone won’t play or download the shows , my android was my mainstay for listening to your show, and the web page isn’t automatically sizzling to my devices, I’m sure you probably know this just thought I would give you a fyi, using WordPress or bluehost can be a pain in the but when you have a glitch.
March 19, 2017 @ 8:49 am John
In hour two a question was asked of Andrew; when was income tax created?
Andrew gave 1913 as a simple answer.
1913 is when the Federal Reserve was created by Congress to create revenue by inflation using debt notes to replace specie, huge insider opportunities to steal wealth by market manipulations and to obtain voluntary consent for servitude aka Social Security. This analysis is based on following the money; as outcomes indicate motives. The market manipulation and “recovery” programs bankrupted the US Corporation in 1933 with Social Security created in 1935 to pay the bankruptcy debt as people voluntarily join this Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance program. The Internal Revenue agency was rolled out to collect the contracted SS revenue. The adoption of birth certificates to aid the census department, the department of education to tell people to believe the mental and contractual traps as stateswere bribed by federal contracts to replace limited governments of servants free men hold in common with rule by a self-annointed elite nobility.
The first civil governor of Puerto Rico, a federal territory under Washington DC, established the Puerto Rico Dept. of Treasury on May 1, 1900. which become the Bureau of Internal Revenue then the Internal Revenue Service.
The Federal Reserve Act 1913
The Social Security Act 1935
The Revenue Act of 1935
Downs v. Bidwell, 1997
District of Columbia Act of 1871
Titles of Nobility Act
March 21, 2017 @ 2:38 am scott
not SoundCloud… dang.