Patrick Timpone

Angela A. Stanton PhD

Author of Fighting The Migraine Epidemic: How To Treat and Prevent Migraines Without Medicines – An Insider’s View

Angela A Stanton PhD started her research of the cause of migraines when her own migraines reached an unbearable level, leaving her with unproductive days. Her only alternative was to take daily migraine preventive medicines, which she refused to consider, given their many side effects and lack of efficacy.

After several years of reading every single academic article on migraines, the cause of migraines she found serendipitously as an introductory biology book fell off the shelf and opened at a page that showed a cartoon of a cell. The lightbulb moment went off about the cellular cause of migraines. Understanding the cellular metabolism led to the discovery that migraine is a metabolic problem and not a neurological disease.

Migraine Brain as a Survival Advantage: Connecting the Dots with Angela A. Stanton


Show Highlights:

-Neural herding. One group analyzes on a bipartisan basis. Other group is people who want to belong to a group.

-fMRI shows brain will turn to whichever way it wants to based on original chemical setup. Can be overridden.

-Oxytocin is the hormone that causes you to feel bonded. The love hormone. Increased oxytocin makes people more generous and trusting. We make more oxytocin when we belong to a group or help someone.

-Migraines are not stress induced. Are a function of electrolyte homeostasis. Tension headaches, which are stress induced, can progress to migraines because you’re not taking care of yourself. Migraine brain structured differently than other brains, is hypersensitive. Different at the cellular level.

-Theorizes that human predecessors had a migraine brain. Needed to be super alert to survive. Most people have adapted and aren’t as sensitive to the environment now.

-We can train the brain. Need proper energy and voltage for brain to work right. Migraine medicines dumb down – reduce hypersensitivity, but also overall brain function.

-Brains are over 60% animal fat. Nerve cells and myelin on axons need fat for insulation.

-Glucose can be made from sugar and fat. Ketogenic diet – 95% fat – is migraine brain supportive. Glucose is destructive to myelin. Low carb recommendation.

-Blueberries – mostly sugar, very few nutrients.

-Sweet makes water leaves the cells. Disrupts electrolytes, creates edema in cells.

-Nutritional ketosis – urine test not accurate, need blood test.

-Good fat sources: butter, cheese, whole milk, cream, cold olive oil, bacon fat, organic lard or tallow, bone broth.

-Some migraineurs are sensitive to A1 milk. Jersey and Guernsey cows have A2 milk.

-During exercise, we lose salt, not so much potassium. Eat high potassium diet, drink high sodium. Take a salt pill an hour before exercise, repeat after exercise. Migraine brain uses more electrolytes and need to replace them more often.

-Salt does not increase blood pressure. High blood pressure is usually caused by sugar, not salt. Salt increases blood volume but not blood pressure.

-Fatty acids from vegetables vs. animals.

-Fish is good, fish oil isn’t. Seeds and nuts are good but need to be in balance with Omega-3.

-Fats can rebuild myelin sheath. Eating a ketogenic diet is good for seizures.

-Connection between elimination and migraines. Want straw-colored urine. Clear urine means the water is just passing through. Milk helps urine recover, good electrolyte source.

-Green vegetables – good potassium source. Avocados are high in fat and potassium. Banana has less potassium than half an avocado – not recommended because of high sugar. Egg yolks good.

-High fats don’t cause high cholesterol. Triglycerides are made from sugar, not fat.

-Bone marrow is a healthy fat. Broth made from bones is high in collagen and good fat.


dr angela stanton on migraines, fats, neurotransmitters and more, february 2, 2017

'Angela A. Stanton PhD – Author of Fighting The Migraine Epidemic: How To Treat and Prevent Migraines Without Medicines – An Insider’s View – February 2, 2017' has 1 comment

  1. December 13, 2020 @ 9:47 am Tomas

    Only 2½ minutes and that’s it…? Would love to hear the whole interview, if you still have it. Thanks.

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