Dr. Mark Bailey

Microbiology and the Existence of Viruses

Mark is the husband of Dr Sam Bailey and when you see one of them, you are really seeing both of them. They started working together when they first met in 2007 and have been a close team ever since. Mark and Sam are based in New Zealand and have three children together.

Since early 2020 he has been the duo’s chief researcher with a focus on microbiology, the existence of viruses, as well as historical and epistemological issues within medical science.

Can you prove in a court there is no COVID virus?

See drsambailey.com for essays on COVID fraud and dismantling virus mythology.  Article: COVID 19 Fraud and the War on Humanity.

No control experiments have been done.  Admissions of no evidence whatsoever.

COVID has been a blessing in providing the opportunity to expose virology.  Lockdowns provoked people to take action.

Health freedom movement starting to realize the censorship and lack of freedom.

The idea of catching something doesn’t fly.  No studies can show transmission.

500 p. textbook on influenza has no sentence proving you catch it.

In 1918 Dr. Rosenau studied cause and mode of transmissibility of Spanish influenza.  Not one case was transmitted.

Reasons for high 1918-1919 mortality: prior WWI trauma, mega high dose aspirin (30 g), multiple experimental vaccines, don’t know how diagnosis was made.

Cold can slow heart rate down, a parasympathetic action.  Good to challenge the body.  Don’t want to push the body too far though.  Mix resistance training with anaerobic.

Why do we get sick?  Nutrient deficiency, eating too much, ingesting toxins, not enough exercise, psychological discontentment.

Microbe-free animals can’t survive beyond a few weeks.

Bacteria and fungi exist, but not viruses.  Everything works together in symbiosis, hard to differentiate human from non-human functions. 

Parasites don’t affect healthy people.  Affect the malnourished, those in a toxic environment.

Those that didn’t buy into COVID haven’t become sick.  Some that have been forced against their will to take the jab because of the mandate have become broken.

Nature doesn’t care for man’s labels.  Instead of labeling something as a specific disease entity, ask what the body trying to do.

Mass vaccination campaigns have lead to increase in allergies.  Body is trying to expel something. 

Health is not achieved through medications.

People are waking up to health, financial, and legal system scams.  They can’t take away our sense of freedom.

New paper forthcoming about existence of SARS COV-2 particle.

'Dr. Mark Bailey | Dismantling COVID-19 and the Virus Myth | September 6, 2022' has no comments

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