Dr. Mark Sherwood

As protests erupt across the nation, sparked by the Supreme Court’s leaked proposed decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, citizens brace for impact.  If abolished, the decision will ultimately fall back to the states to decide on new laws that will leave unborn innocent lives vulnerable or protected.

As a strong proponent of states sovereignty, Dr. Mark Sherwood, Oklahoma’s next potential governor, knows exactly where he stands. Dr. Sherwood, a man of faith and unwavering principal, is himself a testament to the power of life and the mercy adoption can bring.
 â€œIt is our duty to seek justice and mercy and defend the fatherless.  We should be proactive, not only in ending abortion, but also streamlining the adoption process” – Dr. Mark Sherwood
Dr. Sherwood’s mother was a mere sixteen years of age when she found herself pregnant. She had passed out at a party and had no memory of the acts that led to her pregnancy.  Afraid, alone, and still a child herself, she made the lifesaving decision to put her child up for adoption.

As governor of Oklahoma, Dr. Sherwood desires to ensure that more innocent lives would be granted the mercy and love they deserve, just as he was.  Sherwood’s unique approach would put pressure on the legislature to bring him a bill that establishes equal protection and justice for our preborn citizens.  
BIO: Dr. Mark Sherwood was born in Tulsa and raised in nearby Berryhill.  His time was spent in law enforcement and at the Functional Medical Institute helping thousands of patients. He and his wife, Michele L. Neil-Sherwood together form a partnership of principled leadership that Oklahoma needs.

Dr. Mark is about leadership and not politics.  He believes that we must save our states, so that we can save our country from the Marxist strategy to destroy families, silence the church and push for a totalitarian regime. 

'Dr. Mark Sherwood – OK. Gov. Candidate Takes Bold Stand During Roe vs. Wade Controversy – May 25, 2022' has no comments

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