Dr. Richard Massey

Your Health Questions Answered

Another adventure into his fascinating work  of uncovering the emotional and familial relationship aspect of disease and healing

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

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Richard talks about his recent weekend at a Near Death Experience Gathering in Washington, D.C.

there are many similar stories of out of body experiences.

Virtually all that Richard heard spoke of light and a peace that they’ve never known

Many NDE experiences corroborate the meeting of family members who have crossed over before them

Most of the experiences at this conference were involved in a trauma: Operation, accident or Heart Attack

“The Fear of Death” is a basic fear that is incredibly powerful to get over, as there’s nothing to fear.

He mentions a book titled, “Forever Angels.” and recommends it

Some have  a shared near death experience when with a dying person the moment the leave the body.

Patrick talks about interviews he had with the author of “Life Between Lives” by Michal Newton.

We have various bodies on each plane: astral, causal, mental, etheric and soul plane

'Dr. Richard Massey | A Near Death Experience Weekend Gathering Takes Dr. Massey to Holy Ground | September 18, 2023' has 1 comment

  1. September 19, 2023 @ 10:11 pm Andrea


    Wonderful interview, as always!

    Like Dr. Massey, I sometimes listen to the JeffMara podcast, which focuses on Interviewing people who have had NDE(s).

    One of the absolute, absolute most compelling people interviewed has been Virginia Drake. Her interview was so interesting that–by popular demand–he recently invited her back!

    Here’s part one/the first interview with her. I sincerely hope you also interview this kindred soul l, Ms. Drake!


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