Dr. Richard Massey, MD

Your Health Questions Answered

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

[email protected]
Give Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation

The power of ceremonially observing the lunar eclipse.

Clear your blood by falling in love.

Looking through a microscope at vaccine liquid.  What are the black ball bearing looking things Doc found?  Or the black tubular structures in blood samples?

1936 book One Hundred Million Guinea Pigs: Dangers in Everyday Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics  by Arthur Kallet.

Save Soil – movement to pay farmers to put microorganisms in the soil.  Sign petition.  #SaveSoil.

US soil now has only 1.25% organic content; needs to be minimum of 3%.  No nutrients in food unless microorganisms and earthworms present.  Clearing, plowing, sun exposure destroy soil.

“Ten Largest Nuclear Explosions We’ve Ever Had” says the first was in 1952 at Johnston Atoll, where Patrick was stationed in 1967.  Were nuclear bombs a psyop?

Illness that never happened after multiple exposures to “germs”.  Is Germ Theory also a psyop?

Listener asks: Could black ball bearings in vaccines be the body’s reaction to fear?

Listener complains of low white blood cell count, severe immune deficiency, enlarged lymph glands and organs.  Biopsies and medical language disturb the brain.  Lymph nodes only swell after you’ve resolved the conflict.  Probably a conflict about whether you’re valued enough to be protected.  Don’t need to do anything but ignore the symptoms.  Or look at it as a great gift and honor the story.

Listener’s mother had a stroke.  Stroke means a person just solved a mental task that they didn’t think they could do.  What did they just solve?

Siblings are supposed to behave differently.  2,5,8 siblings are different than siblings 1,4,7 and siblings 3,6,9.

Instagram: @docmassey1949. 

'Dr. Richard Massey – Black Ball Bearings In the Shot; Clearing Your Blood & More – May 16, 2022' has no comments

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