Dr. Richard Massey

Your Health Questions Answered

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

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Give Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation

Dr. Massey reads us a beautiful poem by Dr. Wayne Dyer on Motherhood

All our cells are constantly nursing all the other cells.

There are the epithelial the outer portion

and the endothelial part of the cells

All our cells are coated with tiny nipples

1748, Modern Latin (Frederick Ruysch), from Greek epi “upon” (see epi-) + thÄ“lÄ“ “teat, nipple” (from suffixed form of PIE root *dhe(i)- “to suck”). Related: Epithelial.

Patrick shares the story of the baby racoon who was nursing on his hand on the trip to the wildlife rescue

Dr. Massey suggested it was his own Mothers Day experience of nurturing

Dr. Massey goes through what he sees in the blood and how the emotional state changes blood

The significance and power of the now

the subconscious is actually above the mind, not below mind as advertised.

Blood sugar issues are often an issue with a male as the Pancreas is on the left side, masculine

When we separate people we may dislike their actions, i.e. in government we only hurt ourselves

Tumors are related to  the same process as pregnancy

Getting the feeling out into the open from deep hurt long ago releases them

In life it is all about overcoming obstacles, that are necessary to grow spiritually

'Dr. Richard Massey | Diseases are Nouns, Which Don’t Change – In Reality They are Verbs, Ever Changing | May 15, 2023 ' has no comments

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