Dr. Richard Massey, MD

Your Health Questions Answered

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine

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Show highlights:

One of the reasons we love Doc Massey and find him unique is because he weaves in elements of family constellation and recall healing. Like our friend Atom Bergstrom has taught us, it’s often not what’s the problem, but who’s the problem. Dr. Massey takes it further and really goes into our ancestors history and why we can heal faster once we understand the story. It’s fascinating work.

Most often than not, you will revisit issues you had when you were half your age. For example, when turning 70, you may find yourself repeating history in some way when you were 35

Virus and exosome have the same numerology

We’re updating each other through viruses and exosomes because we care

The beautiful ejaculate of joy

Platelet rich enhanced plasma

How we are repeating our origin story through the Covid story; the crown doesn’t belong to an outside person; the story of the Roman Empire is repeating itself

Dr. Massey watched and loved Tony Robbins I’m Not Your Guru

The oldest story about staph infections

The germs are on our side; they work with us

If you are interested in getting to the root of your problem through family constellation sessions, Dr. Massey recommends healpercetion.com family constellation ZOOM meetings on Monday nights open to those only who plan on participating

A fascinating cause of pancreatic cancer

A listener writes in to talk about the work of Zach Bush, MD who is a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology, and hospice care, who talks glyphosates in this podcast “Why You Can’t Get Away From The Toxin Glyphosate (& What You Can Do About It).“

Question from a listener: My sister recently was diagnosed with hyper- thyroid she is a 55 year old vegan , what could she do or where should she go for help?

Question from a listener: My girlfriend in her mid 30s is struggling with diabetes, eczema, fibromyalgia.  She has had her gallbladder 10 years ago and I would like to know any insight about how to look at these conditions and how they all relate to each other.

Question from a listener: I really appreciate the unique knowledge and experience that you share on Patrick’s shows.  My question: Do you or Meridian have a video available online that shows how to make one’s own homeopathic remedies?

Question from a listener: Does Dr. Massey believe that all bacteria serve some purpose? If so, what does he perceive the purpose of staph to be?
Many thanks.

Dr. Richard Massey, M.D. with insightful ideas and tools for your spiritual growth, October 19, 2020

'Dr. Richard Massey, MD – Viruses & Exosomes: The Beautiful Ejaculate of Joy – October 19, 2020' has no comments

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